How old is too old to Socialize?

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Schatz's Pop
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How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by Schatz's Pop » Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:06 am

It has been pointed out to me, something I guess I already know, that my dog was not properly socialized. She gets very excited around people.

We live alone together in a rural area and I cant drive to get her out and about people.

My question is, is 4 1/2 years old too old to socialize and settle her down or are the traits already ingrained?

She seems to be going through maturity spurts recently, maybe a late bloomer. The best I have to work with is cab rides to dog friendly stores and a short walk over to a Post Office where I tie her out to the flagpole while I get my mail.

Any thoughts? I'd like her to be better behaved in public (her trainer, a NAVHDA local chapter chairman does not have any issues with her).

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Re: How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by shags » Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:47 am

It's never too late to teach a dog to behave. The fact that your dog behaves for the NAVHDA guy tells you that she is capable of behaving. It's also a big clue the you are part of the problem. She doesn't respect you. It's fine to have a 'happy', bouncy, fun dog...but she should settle when you want her to settle.

I suggest you watch some of Cesar Millan's Dog Whisperer episodes (NatGeo channel). Or borrow the DVDs from the library. He deals with a lot of dogs like yours, and the way he does it is to teach the owners to have an assertive presence around the dogs. It doesn't take being a big mean boogey man, it just takes affirming in your own mind that you are in charge. Millan also has books but it's easier to see how he does it in action. You'll see how what you are currently doing with the dog is probably contributing to her misbehavior.

Once you see the technique you can practice by taking your dog out to the post office etc, and enlist neighbors and friends to come visit your home to reinforce her training there,too.

We adopted a setter who was between 11-13 years old, had lived her entire life in a Scott's kennel, and was deaf from birth. She became a wonderful housepet and companion for the year and a half we were blessed to have her. Her problems were different from your dog's but it goes to show that dog's can learn at any age.

Good luck to you, wishing you much success.

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Re: How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by Sharon » Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:00 pm

Never too late imo. as dogs are always changing from one year to the next.
My JRT was a terror with strangers at year one. Now at year two, with socialization continued , he is quite tolerable. :)
" We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett

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Re: How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by Neil » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:57 pm

She needs discipline more than socialization. And she is not too old to learn to behave when you tell her to.

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Re: How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by gonehuntin' » Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:18 pm

Neil wrote:She needs discipline more than socialization. And she is not too old to learn to behave when you tell her to.

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Re: How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by gonehuntin' » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:45 pm

Schatz's Pop wrote:It has been pointed out to me, something I guess I already know, that my dog was not properly socialized. She gets very excited around people.

We live alone together in a rural area and I cant drive to get her out and about people.

My question is, is 4 1/2 years old too old to socialize and settle her down or are the traits already ingrained?

She seems to be going through maturity spurts recently, maybe a late bloomer. The best I have to work with is cab rides to dog friendly stores and a short walk over to a Post Office where I tie her out to the flagpole while I get my mail.

Any thoughts? I'd like her to be better behaved in public (her trainer, a NAVHDA local chapter chairman does not have any issues with her).
Most dog's when not socialized, are very timid and shy around people, not excited. Yours demonstrates a lack of training not a lack of socialization.

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Re: How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by polmaise » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:19 pm

Schatz's Pop wrote:It has been pointed out to me, something I guess I already know, that my dog was not properly socialized. She gets very excited around people.

We live alone together in a rural area and I cant drive to get her out and about people.

My question is, is 4 1/2 years old too old to socialize and settle her down or are the traits already ingrained?

She seems to be going through maturity spurts recently, maybe a late bloomer. The best I have to work with is cab rides to dog friendly stores and a short walk over to a Post Office where I tie her out to the flagpole while I get my mail.

Any thoughts? I'd like her to be better behaved in public (her trainer, a NAVHDA local chapter chairman does not have any issues with her).
Probably more to do with what you allow rather than what you don't allow?.and levels of it ?
4 months or 4 years /> The behaviour is the same if conditioned .If you already know it , I'll not point it out :wink:

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Re: How old is too old to Socialize?

Post by 4dabirds » Sun Aug 16, 2015 8:36 am

It sounds to me that your dog is socialized to people . Unless your talking about aggression towards people . Socialization deals with getting to see anything it comes into contact with as being safe for the dog to be near. Dogs view there world using instinct to see things as being safe or dangerous . Socialization occurs when the dog is introduced to things it may come into contact with during its life. If you intended on spending time on boats ior in float planes it would be best to do this when the dog was young so not to ruin a planned future hunt . If the dog has not been properly socialize , anything can be deemed as dangerous to the dog and may may show itself later on. if the dog is friendly to people yoou have an obedience issue not a socialization issue. Obediennce is trained , not aggressively wrung out of a dog . trying to be the alpha male may work for some dogs but the factor of desire comes into play . The more the dog desires something the more of a hit the dog is willing to take . Training a behavior that is desirable for the dog and rewarding will replace the poor behavior. This needs to be trained. An example of this is training a dog to sit to greet. If a dog saw every stranger as a possible treat giver it quikly learns to approach every stranger sitting down. Pointing dog owners that do not want a sit response could always use whoa.

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