When to start

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When to start

Post by Pope94IA » Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:35 pm

I just got a lab/spaniel pup a few days ago. I have never trained a pup before so this is all new. It is 7 weeks old. Full of energy when we are outside. He's always trying to explore areas which I know that's just what dogs/pups do but some of the places, I don't want him going. How and when can I start teaching him no for these places? I've been walking him around the perimeter of the yard a couple times a day so he will hopefully learn his boundary. I would like to train him to shed hunt but don't know when. I have plenty of sheds to work with but I'm afraid they are too hard for his pup teeth.

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Re: When to start

Post by kninebirddog » Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:21 pm

right now you can help guide the puppy into being the dog you want. basic things puppies do no grow out of behaviors they grow into them so if you allow it now they don't magically grow out of it later.
At the same time remember you have a puppy so have fun little games that always leave the pup wanting more always quit before the pup quits
here are a couple articles I wrote hope they help you

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Re: When to start

Post by RoostersMom » Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:27 pm

I would suggest a good fenced in area that he can safely be in. Hunting dogs do not "learn boundaries" of a property very well. They hunt - that's what they're bred to do, so don't expect him to stay within an unfenced area.

Just work on socialization for now - get him out everywhere and meet everyone (except don't let him meet other dogs that you're not positive of their vaccination history).

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Re: When to start

Post by Big bloc » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:36 am

Leash or check cord. Just let them drag it around and get use to it. That way when it go's some place you don't want it you can pull the leash or step on the cord and give a command. Good Luck
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