confused dog

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confused dog

Post by naperdog » Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:51 pm

I just wanted to bounce this off everyone here to get some feedback. My dog has been getting better at finding birds and going out hunting with him is getting pretty enjoyable. One problem he is having is figuring out that a bird has moved. There are now 2 instances in as many hunting trips where he pointed the spot where a bird was just sitting. i see the bird 5 - 10 feet away and get Kona off of point. However he will then keep jumping into the spot he had just pointed rather than relocatting the bird. A similar situation also occured with a wounded bird. He chased the bird down and found where it landed, but the bird got up running. I couldn't get Kona away from the spot where the bird initially landed and give chase. What do I do?

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Re: confused dog

Post by Ruffshooter » Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:46 pm

How old is your dog?
Is this his first hunting season? (sounds like it is).
I am going to think out loud for a minute here. (that was scary).
This is where tracking drills come in handy. (Like the NAVHDA track).
If it were me.
Next time, put the leash on the dog lead him away to where you know there is bird scent, beyond where he is focused. Just stand there for a minute. Let the dog take in the smell. If he shows interest lead him down the track if you know where it went. If he starts wanting to follow the scent let loose the leash and let him go.

If you don't see what happened and where the bird went, you will just have to let him figure out old scent from hot scent. He will. I just takes time, contacts and experience.

The best part of training is seeing the light come on in your little prot'eg'e.


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Re: confused dog

Post by naperdog » Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:49 pm

thanks Ruff. He was out hunting a few times last year, but he was awful young. He is now 1 1/2 old.

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Re: confused dog

Post by Brittguy » Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:40 pm

I don't have any suggestions except he will learn to relocate when the scent fades. I would like to comment on your statement that he is pointing and you see the bird 5 or 10 feet away and get him off point. If I were walking in to flush and saw the bird 5 or 10 feet away I probably would think he had good scent and was doing a good job holding. I would be cautious pulling him off of a point. When he started to just jump into the spot where the bird was, I would have just not done anything and let him work it out. Once he was satisfied that the bird was gone he may have relocated perfectly.

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Re: confused dog

Post by naperdog » Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:44 pm

thanks Brittguy. I understand what your are saying and I think I should have added that the bird was walking away and down wind from him in one case and the other time it was sprinting away from him.
Would that change the way you handle the situation?

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Re: confused dog

Post by Ruffshooter » Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:53 pm

Upon my reflection, the dog will still work it out as the pheasant is still leaving scent. It is not a "clump" of scent in one spot. But as your dog learns he will figure it out. The scent fades with every step taken but is fresh for just the moment it is laid.

Up wind down wind side wind, there is scent on the ground and once your dog starts following that scent he will pick up stronger scent as the dog get closer to the pheasant. Every so often your dog will back track then all of a sudden go in the right direction again. It is amazing how sensitive a nose they have. But you can help him if need be. If you actually really know where the pheasant has been.
The best part of training is seeing the light come on in your little prot'eg'e.


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Re: confused dog

Post by gonehuntin' » Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:40 pm

A young dog should hold point until you release him, then rather cautiously relocate, or circle downwind and try to relocate.

Try approaching your dog from the front, not the back or side. When he goes on point, circle 20 yards in front of him and walk in toward him. That way you pin the bird between you and the dog. Less chance for the bird to run. Many times it's the noise of you approaching that causes the bird to run.

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Re: confused dog

Post by Shadow » Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:57 am

good coments- what I do is come in from in front slowly and watch the dogs eyes- if still looks like a solid point help the dog by kicking all arround the area sort of making like you believe the dog- then get close to the dog saying ok good boy and encourage to move maybe even psuhing a bit- let the dog learn but help as you want the dog learning what you want

if this seems to be happening quite a bit you might want to shoot the bird twice- you know- you hit but want it dead- might make for a better finished dog when it learns the shot means a bird not running- jmo

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