breaking a pup steady wing to shot when should a guy.

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jeff shumaker
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breaking a pup steady wing to shot when should a guy.

Post by jeff shumaker » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:36 pm

I got a 6 month old shorthair she is a excellent dog have shot 40 quial over her and some chuckers. Just wanted some advice on how early I should start to break her steady wing to shot. She has got everything down finds dead birds retrieves. Some tell me to wait tell she is a year and just let her hunt her first year.

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Re: breaking a pup steady wing to shot when should a guy.

Post by RayGubernat » Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:32 pm

If you ask the dog...the dog will tell you when it is ready.

The trick is knowing how to ask the dog and knowing how the dog says yes or no.

One of the ways I ask a dog if it is ready to be steadied is to toss a pigeon or release a pigeon that the dog did not scent. if the dog takes out after the bird and gives lusty probably ain't ready. If the dog takes a few steps and then stops and styles up into a point... Maybe it is time to start working to the next training level.

Know your your will tell you. Dogs, especially young ones are very, very honest. The tell it straight and true. You just have to know what the dog is trying to tell. You have to put what YOU want to the side and listen to what the dog is telling you through its body language. Pay special attention to its eyes.


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Fun dog
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Re: breaking a pup steady wing to shot when should a guy.

Post by Fun dog » Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:38 pm

My pup was steady to wing & shot by 11 months. Just make sure it knows whoa really well. We underestimate our dogs and they are much more capable than we give them credit for. Don't pressure them, just lots of repetition!

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