Dog stopping short on retrieve

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Dog stopping short on retrieve

Post by terrym » Thu May 03, 2012 2:00 pm

Last weekend I had my 21 mth old Brittany pup out for a preserve chukar hunt. Pointed everything beautifully but for some reason this time he would spit out the birds further out than he has been on the retreive. He has a strong retreive instinct and basically never lets a bird get away even if he has to chase the darned thing until it tires and he catches it. He even retreives in water like a lab. But for some reason he was dropping them too far this time. The only difference this time is there were 3 people (2 gunners 1 spectator ) out as opposed to normally just me. Could he be leery of bringing the bird to people he doesn't know yet? Not the end of the world in a hunting situation but would certainly stall any progress in a hunt test/Trial situation which will eventually come up. Any theories?
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Re: Dog stopping short on retrieve

Post by ultracarry » Thu May 03, 2012 7:37 pm

That's why force breaking comes in handy.... Mine started to go further until it was out of arms reach.... Not no more :D

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Re: Dog stopping short on retrieve

Post by Sharon » Thu May 03, 2012 8:38 pm

A force fetched dog can be corrected when forgetting in the field. That's the beauty of FF.
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Re: Dog stopping short on retrieve

Post by terrym » Thu May 03, 2012 9:35 pm

Alright, I guess FF is on the agenda for this summer.
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Re: Dog stopping short on retrieve

Post by jetjockey » Sun May 13, 2012 6:49 am

I had the same dilemma as you. By Brit didn't show much natural retrieve until after she was 3 though. Then one day she brought me a bird after I shot it. From then on she would retrieve half heartedly and drop the birds well I front of me. However, that's all we needed for the foundation. This might not be the standard way to teach retrieving, but it worked really well for our Brit. At home, we broke out the treats and started playing in the house. At first, she got a treat when she brought a toy back on the "fetch" command. Then she only got a treat when she dropped it in our hands. I then taught her hold simply by puting a tennis ball in her mouth and holding in shut and giving the "hold" command. I'd then tell her to "give" and made her drop the ball in my hand. She got a treat when she did it correct. We moved up to tossing the ball or toy in the house and giving her the fetch command. She would return it and I'd give her the hold command until I wanted her to give. I can't tell you how easy it was and how well it worked. Finally we moved to holding her steady with the whoa command until I released her to retrieve. Once she was 100% in the house I moved her to the back yard. There was almost no transition at all, she was 98% in the back yard as well. Same thing happened when she moved to the field..........We made it a game and coaxed her with treats and now I have a very good retriever. Now, she might not make 150 yard blind retrieves, but then again she might. Might not have been the most orthodox way to train retrieve, but for us, it worked incredibly well. She retrieves to hand and won't release the bird until the "give" command.

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