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Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:25 am
by porochi
My male GSP is nearly 3 yr.'s old. He's intact. I'm considering having him neutered but wondering if/how that could affect his personality and performance? He' s a hard charging, far ranging, intense hunter. His prey drive and hunt instinct is excellent, he won't give up, has great stamina and I'm very pleased with how he hunts. He has some obedience and training issues that we're working on but there's no doubting this dog's desire to hunt hard. I've owned him a little over a year, hunted him one season, and he's proven that if there's birds to be found he'll find them, even if he has to dig them out of the thickest, thorniest cover imaginable. So if I get him neutered will that change him? I don't want that. Just wondering what others' experience is after having a hard hunting dog spayed or neutered, did that affect their desire/ability any?

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:01 am
by cjhills
No. Why do you want to neuter him?.....Cj

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:39 am
by shags
Another why?

And yet another...Why are people these days so offended by/afraid of a little testosterone?

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:37 am
by porochi
Well, I've been told it's better for their overall health, but one of the main reasons is places I want to kennel him, when I'm out of town, which is frequent, won't accept an intact male dog. There's some local kennels that have indoor or outdoor dog parks and they'd let him run free much of the day with the other dogs but won't if he's intact. I don't want to leave him days on end stuck in a cage or small kennel. He's not used to that. At home he has the run of a large backyard and I run him off leash nearly every day when I'm home, so I like the thought of him running free much of the time when I have to be out of town. Ive toured these places and the dogs get to freely roam the indoor or outdoor dog parks they have. They are well supervised and before any dog is allowed out they test them to see how well socialized they are so no aggressive dogs are allowed in their dog park area w other dogs. My guy would just love such a place. But I can't take him there if he's intact.

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:15 pm
by cjhills
I don't think it would make a lot of difference one way or another. especially at his age. I doubt there is much health advantage......Cj

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:17 pm
by shags
A couple that I know has a dog with fear aggression issues that they are working hard to fix. The dog is either a GSP or a weim, I don't remember, around 3 years old. They asked their vet who is a behaviorist whether neutering would help, and the vet told them that diminished hormone levels often leads to increased aggression in some dogs. The dog is currently on a drug that suppresses his hormones, as a test to see if neutering would help or not.

That tells me that there might be unexpected consequences to a dog's behavior that are not predictable.

I sure wouldn't subject my dog to surgery because some dog park lady told me to. He can sit on the couch for a week or so. I'd contact a training kennel or maybe the preserve the dog came from to see if they might board him.

I understand this can be a hard decision with lots of things to comsider, and I wish you luck in whatever you decide. Even though I'm an anti-neuterite :D

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:38 pm
by Dakotazeb
Back to the original question. Spay or neuter will have no effect what so ever on the dog's performance in the field. I have a 3 year old female Brittany that was spayed at 2 and her prey drive is still "over the top" according my trainer.

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:38 pm
porochi wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:37 am
Well, I've been told it's better for their overall health, but one of the main reasons is places I want to kennel him, when I'm out of town, which is frequent, won't accept an intact male dog. There's some local kennels that have indoor or outdoor dog parks and they'd let him run free much of the day with the other dogs but won't if he's intact. I don't want to leave him days on end stuck in a cage or small kennel. He's not used to that. At home he has the run of a large backyard and I run him off leash nearly every day when I'm home, so I like the thought of him running free much of the time when I have to be out of town. Ive toured these places and the dogs get to freely roam the indoor or outdoor dog parks they have. They are well supervised and before any dog is allowed out they test them to see how well socialized they are so no aggressive dogs are allowed in their dog park area w other dogs. My guy would just love such a place. But I can't take him there if he's intact.
Double post

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:40 pm
porochi wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:37 am
Well, I've been told it's better for their overall health, but one of the main reasons is places I want to kennel him, when I'm out of town, which is frequent, won't accept an intact male dog. There's some local kennels that have indoor or outdoor dog parks and they'd let him run free much of the day with the other dogs but won't if he's intact. I don't want to leave him days on end stuck in a cage or small kennel. He's not used to that. At home he has the run of a large backyard and I run him off leash nearly every day when I'm home, so I like the thought of him running free much of the time when I have to be out of town. Ive toured these places and the dogs get to freely roam the indoor or outdoor dog parks they have. They are well supervised and before any dog is allowed out they test them to see how well socialized they are so no aggressive dogs are allowed in their dog park area w other dogs. My guy would just love such a place. But I can't take him there if he's intact.
I'd look on Rover or for other local petsitters. I'd also look on NextDoor, as its neighborhood specific and you can get recommendations from folks near you.

I've found a few locally that are more tolerant of an intact dog. One guy runs his basically out of his house but kept a *Special* GSP that I was fostering and couldn't stick at a regular kennel. He also told me (when he saw my intact dog) that he could watch intact ones too.

If you do want to neuter him I'd not worry about his hunting one bit. You might need to watch the food intake.

Re: Effect of spaying/neutering on performance?

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:12 pm
by birddogger2
Porochi -

There is no medical reason to neuter a normal, healthy male dog. Period...end of story. Neutering a 3 year old dog will likely have zero effect on its personality and level of activity. Do what you want with your dog, but I personally would never set foot in a "dog park" for a whole host of reasons. I think they are a HUGE waste of taxpayer money and a great place to have your dog learn bad habits, get exposed to a bunch of communicable diseases and have bad experiences with other dogs.

I also would not put my dog in a kennel that did not take intact dogs...just on principle. Not taking intact dogs is pure nonsense, IM(not ever humble)O. It is politically correct BS, and an absolutely unnecessary medical expense and risk to your dog. It is just as likely for a kennel helper to get bit by a neutered dog as an intact one.

I'd find a training kennel, as suggested, and develop a relationship with those folks.

Your dog...your call.
