Dogs been limping???

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4 Paws

Dogs been limping???

Post by 4 Paws » Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:09 pm

Returned from North Dakota the end of the first week in November. Late in the trip my GSP, Aspen started limping on her left front leg, that ended her hunt for the week as I saw no improvement while we were there. I couldnt locate any splinters, burrs or any other foriegn object anywhere on or near her leg. I checked her paws, all four were in good shape. I checked the webbing and the nails all seemed ok. I checked the shoulder, elbow and wrist and rotated and flexed them signs of problem. I have poked, prodded and pulled everything I could imagine. I can not find her source of pain yet she still is limping. I figured it would heal up in time it hasnt. I took her to the vet he put her on Cosequin and Purina JM feed. He says it is probably a tissue bruise or a sprain. It's been a month since the injury and she is still limping??????? Any thoughts .....oh yeah she is about a year and half old. Paws

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Post by snips » Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:01 pm

I would think he would have put her on some sort of anti-inflammatory. I think if there is an injury you should rest her. It just takes time with any strain. Did he think it could be the shoulder?

4 Paws

Post by 4 Paws » Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:10 pm

Brenda, he felt pretty comfortable that there were no bone or joint problems, he put her on cosequin? Beats me what it does....I thought that stuff was for joints and knees and the like. I have seen a little improvement but I still can see a limp in her movement???? Dennis

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Post by snips » Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:13 pm

Well, if there is inflamation somewhere the anti-inflam would help. Did he not think there was a need for x-rays?

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Post by Boomer » Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:31 pm

I used to have a dog that would start to carry a leg towards the end of a long hunt. The next day she would start carrying the leg even earler in the hunt... I finially cured it with a product called IMPACT. A Vet/sled dog trainer-owner came up with it.. it is a miricale supplement that goes in with there food. I was never much for any kind of food supplements before i found this stuff. I think you can now order it from lyon country supply...

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Post by rschuster54303` » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:55 pm

4 paws,

I currently have a pup that had a simular aliment. I will try and explain what happened and what we did for it.

When my pup was about 6 months old I was taking it to the kennel where I train and he had gotten up into the truck no problem and was running around the yard fine. When I took him out at the kennel he was acting lame, it was odd nothing that I can think of happened between the 2 times but the limp was pronounced. My wife works at a vet and we took him in and did some x-rays, nothing show up. We proceeded to rest him and take some additional x-ray about 2 weeks later. At that point the vet looked over the x-rays and determined that there was a bone growth forming, but what it was from we could not determine. As usual the normal nasty ideas like cancer and such poped into the conversation but we decided to wait another 2 weeks and take some additional pictures.

Now 4 or 5 weeks out the pup was moving better but the x-ray showed the "growth" to have increased in size. At this point cancer came up again but it was not likely because the growth was overly smooth and from what I understand it it was cancer it would be more jagged or at least less smooth. Again we decided to wait.

at about 8 weeks the pup is moving normal but will limp if he runs for long periods of time. X-ray look better the growth is smooth and solidifing and looks like bone. At this point the vet started to think that the pup may have stress fractured or cracked his femur which was not showing up on the x-rays.

Fast forward about 4 months, the pup runs fine x-rays all look normal and everything is going fine. Odd things happen with our dogs and the one reason I posted this for you was an example of what "might" of happened. I would suggest some x-ray, have them evaluated, rest the dog and see how he/she is in a couple of weeks.

I also know of a gentlemen that had a wiredhair that wlimped as well after having the dog to 2 specialist the local vet found a 3 inch stick that loged in the paw between 2 bones, it never show on the x-ray the local vet had seem somthing simular and followed a hunch. The dog was back up and moving well a couple weeks later.


Rob :wink:

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Post by Wagonmaster » Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:59 pm

i also have seen all manner of things puncture a dogs foot, but with no very apparent puncture mark. usually, though, they start to abscess, and you would no it by now.


Post by QCBirddogs » Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:44 pm

A slight abcess can make an animal lame. Like John mentioned, I too have seen many odd things work their way into a dogs pad. In most cases, it would have been infected by now and you would know, but there could be some thing still there.

I am surprised the Vet didnot radiograph it first off. To determine there is no minute bone or joint abnormality by palpation alone is a mere guesstimate.

ALSO.....depending on your location, or where you have hunted or competed with your dog, The lameness or joint problem could be systemic, due to Lymes disease. You might want to have blood workup done on the dog and make sure to mention you want a Lymes titer! If your dog has been innoculated for the disease, make sure to mention prior to having the test administered too.

IMHO........if you are concerned and have doubts......The dog should be radiographed and or Ultrasounded.


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Post by Wagonmaster » Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:15 pm

I second Phil on the Lyme's. It is worth checking out if you are in a tick area. Had a great dog that had lyme's, was treated, and relapsed twice. The symptoms would come on suddenly, and included severe joint pain. Hard to get rid of.

4 Paws

Post by 4 Paws » Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:34 pm

I appreciate the feedback, I am gonna watch and see what happens, she has been vaccinated for Lymes so I dont think that "should" be a problem but you never know. If I dont see any improvement I will take her back or seek a second opinion at another vet. Thanks again Paws

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Post by Wagonmaster » Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:17 am

My dog had been vaccinated for lyme's also, and she got it anyway. the vaccine is not very effective.

4 Paws

Post by 4 Paws » Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:36 pm

:x ...........Ok Thanks ill talk it over with the Vet Paws


Post by QCBirddogs » Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:20 pm

Same here.....

Dog was Lymes TWICE!

It's useless!


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Post by llewgor » Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:44 pm

vaccines are like flu shots you can still get sick but hopefully not as bad.
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Post by rschuster54303` » Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:56 am

I have talked with some trainers that will not use the lyme shot because after taking it you can not use a lyme test to see if the dog has it, as they will alway test positive.

I do use the shot, so I am not sure. I would comment that, same with the flu shot idea, some protection is better then nothing.

I have to say that I have more configdence in Frontline preventing ticks, thus preventing lyme's disease, then I do in the vaccine, but I think combined it has been a good preventative for me.

Rob :wink:


Post by TNovoa » Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:47 am

I would test for lymes ASAP, if nothing else is found. If the titers do come back positive, start antibiotic therapy even if there's a doubt it's a false-positive. The longer lymes is left untreated, the more debilitating and damaging it becomes. There's a less likelihood to come close to a full recovery and more likely to recur.

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