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Trouble switching between OU and autoloader

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:37 pm
by houghtonic
Anyone else have trouble switching between their O/U and their semiauto shotguns? I have 2 really nice shotguns. A Benelli SBE II that I was shooting pretty well during duck season and a Browning Synergy that I like to use for upland (dove and quail for my region). Back in September I shot the O/U fairly well on dove. I don't use it for waterfowl, so I had not used it for a few months until the last couple weeks training on quail and then again yesterday doing some launching of pen-raised birds and some follow up hunting after the training session. My hit rate is very poor with the O/U after I started using it again. Does anyone else have this issue? It was so bad that it has me thinking about only using the SBE II for everything. The problem is I like being able to carry the O/U with the action open for safety and carrying convenience while walking around so much during upland hunting. During dove season, you are typically shooting so much I also like not having to look for spent shells after each group of birds comes in which makes the O/U nice.

I was talking to my buddy next door about it and he says he has the same issue. He says it takes him a while to warm up on the semiauto after duck season starts and then whenever he uses the O/U it takes him a while to get warmed back up on it.

Anyone else have this issue or any tips on how to overcome being rusty on a particular gun and not letting it affect an otherwise good outing?

Re: Trouble switching between OU and autoloader

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:21 pm
by Mountaineer
Not really, tho if there is a significant difference in weight, balance, trigger pull, bulk, etc. then the mind can play games...much as with going from a single trigger to a double trigger....O/U to a two-row.
Mostly mental and not an issue but once we begin to miss we think more and...miss more.....mistake builds upon "what the heck is wrong?"
Then we look for something to blame...something physical rather than ourselves, of course.
Always the gun's fault.

A bit of low gun skeet practice for scattergun familiarization alone can pay dividends if the mind holds trump.
And practice, as long as we do not practice a good thing all by itself.

Re: Trouble switching between OU and autoloader

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:11 pm
Different ribs will need a change in your pointing.

SBE has a high rib,

O/U has a flat rib,

Different point of impact.

Re: Trouble switching between OU and autoloader

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:18 am
by Urban_Redneck
Pattern both guns on paper to be certain they hit where you are looking. That confidence alone will speed the transition a tremendous amount.

Doubles usually have lighter and crisper trigger pulls, some dry practice with snap caps helps a bunch.

My $0.02

Re: Trouble switching between OU and autoloader

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:31 am
by Urban_Redneck
Pattern/check your point of impact with both guns.

Most fixed breech guns have crisper trigger pulls than semiautos and pumps. Dry practice with snap caps to adjust your timing and acclimate to the different feel.


Re: Trouble switching between OU and autoloader

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:56 pm
by mnaj_springer
If you continue to struggle feel free to send one of them my way ;)

Re: Trouble switching between OU and autoloader

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:27 pm
by birddogger
As long as the gun fits me, I don't see a difference. I can have a bad day with any of them or a good day with any of them.
