Do you stay with one breed or switch?

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Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Steve007 » Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:10 pm

Ok, let's put aside FT Pointer people, who are addicted to their breed and were probably raised not to be heretics in their views. And waterfowlers are pretty limited, breedwise, as well.

Do you have a succession of the same breed or do you sometimes change? How has it worked out for you? If you've changed, why? And has your life--hunting or otherwise --been improved as a result?

I got involved in birdhunting later in life, but after a long and generally successful "career" in other dog sports with non-hunting breeds. My first bird dog was a big FT-bred male Gordon. Then later, a "dual dog" bred female Gordon (There are a surprising number of different lines in Gordons for a low-registration breed.) When I lost my last Gordon, I thought changing breeds would make a lot of sense emotionally (some will understand), and got a FT GWP and then later another topflight well-bred wirehair. Both are still with me and have had fine competition careers. Eventually, I guess I'll see what happens next.

I think for a non-breeder , it's darned interesting and knowledge-expanding to change breeds on occasions. But I like learning new things,and I certainly have. That might be even more true for switching from pointing to a flushing dog, but it's not something I'm likely to try.

What do you think?

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by shags » Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:12 pm

I've been really fortunate in having been able to have had my dogs with all-breed trainers, and work my dogs with them enough to get to see lots of other bird dog breeds. Also, I've competed and judged all breed trials and see lots of dogs that way. I enjoy them all, and appreciate why they have their fans, but to my eyes and mind, for my house, only esetters are perfect and without flaw 8) Although...maybe an Irish Water Spaniel fit in here. Hmmmm.

But for varmint dogs, I love all terrier breeds and wouldn't mind the opportunity to have at least one of each. No breed loyalty there :D

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by averageguy » Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:36 pm

I have owned 7 different breeds of dogs, 6 of them hunting breeds. Hunted with many more and do annually. Many different breeds and venues interest me - Hounds, Beagles, Retrievers, Versatile Dogs, Pointing Specialists, Terriers, Curs.

For 32 years now I have had a succession of GWPs leading up to my current dog. I am a versatile hunter and like a dog that can do it all. I get to train on retrieving, pointing, OB, and tracking subjects with one dog so it is hard to get bored.

If all I hunted was upland birds I would be hunting with an EP or a GSP. As is I get to hunt with good ones of each breed each year but owned and handled by others. If I went pure waterfowl a Black Lab would be what I would have. My GWP and I were at a Retriever Training day this past Saturday. It is easy to appreciate a specialist breed doing what they excel at. I get a few waterfowl hunts each year with a Friends excellent black lab. I hunt with my Cousin's beagle pack some each year and really enjoy it. If the wild bird hunting continues to decline it might be something I gravitate to as it is extremely easy to start and run rabbits on public hunting areas which have very few upland birds. I had coonhounds when I was young and still hunt with Friends hounds some nights each winter. Love to hear a honest bawl mouth hound strike and work a track and put the right tree at the end.

I do not have enough time in the day or legs to own all the breeds of dogs that interest me. So I work the heck out of the one I own and enjoy all the others a little each year as well. Good system as far as I am concerned.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by JONOV » Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:19 am

If I didn't duck hunt, it would be easier, and I honestly probably would try a few different setter breeds, or different continental pointing breeds.

But, as I do duck hunt, the GWP is kind of the default...I guess I could go the route of a Pudelpointer or Griff, but its kind of like comparing Labs, Goldens and Chessie IMO, just shades of the same type of dog. I guess if I wanted an esoteric breed like a Wirehaired Vizsla, Slovakian Rough Haired, or the like I could...but a GWP is "different" enough for me. I guess if I wanted an esoteric breed like a Wirehaired Vizsla, Slovakian Rough Haired, or the like I could...but a GWP is "different" enough for me.

Maybe if I become independently wealthy I'll get into a string of setters and Field Trial, or try and make waves with my own line of GWP's in the FT world LOL, but until then I can't afford the land, horses, trailers, or time needed to work that many dogs, time being the biggest factor. Also, I may be too heavy to ride, though I've seen some judges that don't look like they shy away from dinner.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by mnaj_springer » Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:36 am

I started my gundog life with Springers and I'll likely die with a springer by my side (or at least one can hope). The reasons are simple. I hunt every bird that flies and is available to hunt in Minnesota so I need a versatile breed, which the springer is. Mine has flushed and retrieved spruce and ruffed grouse, sharp-tail grouse, woodcock, and pheasant, plus she's picked up all manner of ducks and geese both on land and in the water. The other reasons relate to size and temperament. Springers are sweet, smart (maybe too smart), and eager to please, and I can lift her back into the canoe with one hand.

That being said, I did go crazy and get a Pointer a few years back! It's been fun to work with a pointer. There's definitely more to it than I thought. But I love it!

My next dog will be a springer to get started before my current one retires. Next up would be another pointing dog. I'm not sure what I'll go with next, but I gun for our club's AKC hunt tests and have gun over pretty much every pointy dog out there, and a handful of flushers. Having that experience has helped me narrow down what I like and don't like. I think my next pointing dog will have to complete my checklist of things I like for pointers, although I'm not sure its as much breed specific as it is bloodline specific. Here's my list for pointing dogs:

1. Sweet temperament. Have to have it. Makes up for soooo much BS.
2. Fast! I love seeing a dog cover ground quickly and efficiently! I do not like plodders.
3. Biddable
4. Some desire to retrieve... at least enough to polish with FF.
5. Forgiving (I miss a lot).

Fortunately my current Pointer is all this, and some of those things make up for her faults, so my first look will be at either another EP or an ES, but if I see a dog that fits this and is a continental, I wouldn't stick my nose up!

I went on a rant there, but work is slow...

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Steve007 » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:16 pm

Sharon wrote:If I was younger I'd get another setter, (This one is 13.) but, not well enough to train another setter and hoof the hills and valleys. Looks like I'll be stuck with this JRT. :wink:
I see you with a hard-working Clumber Spaniel. :wink: :wink: Or an upland Chesapeake. Lots of choices that don't require much legwork and will keep you interested and learning.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Sharon » Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:02 pm

A Chessie?? They are pretty hard to train - lots of patience needed. A clumber? Now that would make me feel really old ! :) ( Just kidding you.)

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Featherfinder » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:35 am

Have worked with a WIDE variety of pointing breeds and some retrievers/flushers. I see that certain breeds of dogs have their advantages. Further to that, species, habitat, hunting styles even typical weather can play into a selection. Some are simply preferred for personal reasons such as, "My Uncle always had GSPs when I was growing up...."
I've owned Britts for the most number of years, cumulatively.
For me and my palate, there are 2 breeds that stand alone. They are the EP and ES and not necessarily in that order. Then again, I enjoy a narrow vein of wild bird upland hunting.
That said, after having owned/competed with/judged and simply experienced a number of exceptional dogs from the various breeds, there is no ambiguity what-so-ever - ES and EP.
Now if I went to the dark side and chased down ditch parrots (highly unlikely), I'd like to have a springer. If I was a waterfowler - a Lab. If I was a bunny hunter - a Bugle, etc. etc.
Last edited by Featherfinder on Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by DonF » Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:44 am

I had shorthair's for a lot of years. Then had a few pointer's, couple E Setter's and now one Red Setter and one on the way. I love all dog's but the best were to me the shorthairs. Now a Red Setter entered my life and I'm pretty stuck on them. Figure my coming pup will probably be my last, getting to old. I've worked with a bunch of Brittany's, some I really liked and some I wouldn't feed. Couple Vizlas and a good one is hard to beat, hard to find a good one though. I think #1 for me is still shorthairs though and my last dog could end up being two! I would not consider another pointer; just way more drive than I want to deal with at this point in my life. But if you hunt from horse back, they are a machine!

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by JONOV » Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:43 pm

DonF wrote:I had shorthair's for a lot of years. Then had a few pointer's, couple E Setter's and now one Red Setter and one on the way. I love all dog's but the best were to me the shorthairs. Now a Red Setter entered my life and I'm pretty stuck on them. Figure my coming pup will probably be my last, getting to old. I've worked with a bunch of Brittany's, some I really liked and some I wouldn't feed. Couple Vizlas and a good one is hard to beat, hard to find a good one though. I think #1 for me is still shorthairs though and my last dog could end up being two! I would not consider another pointer; just way more drive than I want to deal with at this point in my life. But if you hunt from horse back, they are a machine!
I'm always impressed at how quickly they mature, and how straightforward they tend to take training.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by KCKLH » Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:59 pm

I was raised on GSPs hunting pheasant and quail in kansas but specifically took up waterfowling because I loved my labs so much and thats been my focus ever since. With a move back north planned Ive been looking hard at setters to give grouse hunting a try. Luckily I dont mind owning two (or more) dogs. Ill never not own a lab but if you can have your cake and eat it too I think its good to get some experience with a variety of breeds. Theyve all got their perks and quirks that you learn to appreciate.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Steve007 » Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:36 am

KCKLH wrote: I think its good to get some experience with a variety of breeds. They've all got their perks and quirks that you learn to appreciate.
Nice phraseology! Good thinking, too.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Dakotazeb » Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:43 pm

Started with Springers in 1974, had a Lab in the 1980's and have had nothing but Brittanys since 1996.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by WielandGSP » Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:47 pm

I have had 2 shorthairs and a wirehair. Those are likely the only two breeds I will ever have. I like all working breeds of dogs, but for my purposes, those are the two that work best for me.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by mask » Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:37 pm

I have had pointers for over 60 years for the hunting we do they are the best. So no I won't switch.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Speaks » Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:57 pm

I have been weighing this decision heavily. I had Britts as a young child although before I was old enough to hunt. The first dog I got as an adult was a Britt and he has also been the best dog I have owned, not a champ hunter but good but just plain the best pet I have ever had.

I have had other non-hunting dogs, a golden, two blood hounds and a boxer that I still have, and right now we have a foster boxer hound mix (maybe) living with us. After putting my Britt down this spring I have started looking for another bird dog. The first place I looked was Britts but also keeping an English Setter in mind as a strong contender. All the Britt breeders I talked to even semi locally I was not happy with but I found a setter breeder that really impressed me. So it appears I will be making a switch although not a huge one. I would not rule out a GSP or GWP someday in the future, the right dog is more important than the right breed.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by WielandGSP » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:08 pm

mask wrote:I have had pointers for over 60 years for the hunting we do they are the best. So no I won't switch.
If I only hunted upland, I would have at least one pointer, but with at least 50% of my hunting spent waterfowling, it wouldn't be ideal. Some of the absolute very best upland dogs I have had the pleasure of hunting behind are pointers.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by BigTub » Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:28 pm

Only Brittanys, ALWAYS.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by ddoyle » Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:45 pm

Vizslas started with one from a back yard second one wanting to have a more confident bolder dog. Better but still not what I was looking for now on my third and everything I want! If I get another dog I may switch breed as I only have one or two dogs at a time and it is hard not comparing same breeds to dogs you have had before. Just my thoughts if I got a GSP probably wouldn't think about my past V when working with the dog.

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Re: Do you stay with one breed or switch?

Post by Cicada » Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:15 am

I have had a GSP in the house for over 50 years some were mixed most were PB first one cost Dad $25 and the one I have now $650 Worth every penny spent and every tear we cried. Hard to see the day We would not have one or two around. Plus what other breed comes in so many different colours.


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