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Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:56 am
by Karen
Anyone use one of these, or something similar to keep their dogs in shape?

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:06 pm
by jetjockey
Karen. I use one to keep my brittany in shape during the offseason. I bought the Springer already attached to a bike on craigslist for $35. Works great once the dog gets used to it. Problem is, my dog is in better shape then I am even when Im riding the bike. haha.. I usually knock out 5-8 miles 2-3 times per week in my housing development. Haven't had any problems with her pads, but I don't overdue it either

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:27 pm
by Karen
Great to know! I bought a brand new bike a couple of years ago, and I think it's time to drag it out of the shed and put it to good use.

Question, does the springer keep your dog far enough away from the spokes?

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:57 pm
by MTR
Just bought a walky-dog off of a few weeks ago for my WPG. He heels well on leash so I started him that way walking him along the bike as I straddled the frame and walked slowly a few hundred feet. Then I leashed him up and slowly peddled and he seemed to pick it up quite quickly. We have been slowly increasing the distance every other day. He seems to like it and I have not seen any issues with his pads but will continue to monitor them.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:24 pm
by isonychia
I'm getting one!

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:35 pm
by C.painter
Looks like everyone in the video I see uses a harness instead of just the collar. Anyone suggest doing otherwise?

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:27 pm
by MNspanielguy
I have had one for about 15 years. Just start very slow and be carefull so that the dog does not panic. After the dog gets used to it all you have to do is ride the breaks. You might end up using an "On by" command when meeting up with other people and dogs going in the opposite direction. Good luck.


Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:01 pm
by Killer Instinct
@ Karen - Yes, it keeps your dog away from the spokes. I've been doing the Springer with my Spaniels for about two years now - works great. I do use the harness, but that's a personal preference as a collar would work ok too. The only problem I had with it is that when my dog jumped a puddle sideways, the Springer "sprung" her right back to me rather quickly. We both were a bit startled when that happened.... so you kinda got to watch out when that happens.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:43 am
by dakotashooter2
You mean your dog won't just run alongside the bike?...........

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:10 pm
by crazyboy
I was interested in one of these, however never got one. This thread has re sparked my interest. Not sure what will happen when the dog decides he should try to run perpendicular to the bike.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:25 pm
by mtlee
I have used one in the past to run my Pointer, had a nice trail ("Greenway") back in Charleston SC. He caught on very quick and never once pulled me over....even when tweety birds/ducks caught his attention. He'd pull and spring right back towards me, but not in to the bike. He really seemed to like it, I would just put my feet up on the handlebars and let him go....passing everybody else. Definitely zero work on the human's part.

I ran him with a harness, not collar.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:16 am
by AzDoggin
Yep, the dog learns in a hurry. He's basically jogging along in the heel position.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:16 am
by Karen
Well, my wonderful hubby bought me one for my b-day!

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:39 am
by dog dr
I just attach a 4-5 ft lead to my dogs harness, and then put the loop end around the seat pole of the bike. Havent had any problems.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:47 am
by coveydogs
I have a different brand, I like it a lot (linked below). Having the attachment low on the back wheel makes it nice when the dog pops a squat in the middle of the road. It just feels like you hit the back brake, overall very stable. One big thing to be sure of is that your dog always chooses the same side of objects as you, bad things happen when you both pick different ways to go around a telephone pole.

Lastly, I would recommend a roading harness, it is nice to have the dog pull you and pulling against just the collar just leaves them snorting and gagging.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:03 pm
by isonychia
Anyone have any luck with the walky dog.. at 1/3 of the cost it is affordable compared to the springer. My only concern is the back wheel (ouch!)

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:09 pm
by isonychia
Also, what side do you put your dog on the bike? I know left seems to make since... but right seems soooo much safer when you factor in cars, pedestrians, and other cyclists pass by your left.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:08 am
by MTR
I have the walky dog. Just got it a month ago. I put it first on the right side (seemed safer to me as well) dog would have nothing to do with it just standing in the driveway - kept trying to get to heel on the left. Pulled out the supplied allen wrench and in 30 seconds I had it turned to the left side, commanded heel, and he was fine with being on the left side. I walked up and down the road maybe 100-ft with me straddling the bike and he was fine. I hopped on, attached the lead and peddled slowly and he pulled a little but understood when I heeled him again. after a minute it was off to the races.

They also sell another attachment point that connects to the back axle at the frame if you want the boom to be angle low and behind like one of the other dog walkers that are out there.

I didn't like that the springer had a small white plastic thing that connects to the rod - that think looked like it could come undone and that was the last thing that I wanted to happen. Plus the cost - didn't have that much cash to try it out.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:21 am
by coveydogs
I go left side. Mine has a low connection point that does not connect on the right because the bike gears are in the way. I am mostly on paved trails, I let the dog run in the grass, I don't run the dog on the streets much.

Also might want to check out I dont think the scooters are very cool but the tadpole bikes with 2 dogs looks pretty nice.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:03 pm
by isonychia
Well I just got my walky dog in the mail today and picked up a harness... got one tired dog - FINALLY! Now he will be in shape come grouse season, in addition to running him on my new pigeons.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:23 pm
by crazyboy
hmm, now which one is best?

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:40 am
by rkappes
Good info...I was just thinking about getting something like this.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:19 am
by Karen
So....roading harness or a regular harness?

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:15 am
by dog dr
im tellin ya folks, all you need to do is loop the end of the leash around the seat pole of the bike. unless you are running a mastiff or an irish wolf hound, you shouldnt have any problems. of course, this is also assuming you can ride a bike, walk and chew gum at the same time, etc. :wink:

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:29 am
by isonychia
I got the walky dog cause it was cheaper, I use a no-choke harness that I got at my GF's work, it clips in the back a lot like a roading harness does though

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:28 pm
by MTR
dog dr wrote:im tellin ya folks, all you need to do is loop the end of the leash around the seat pole of the bike. unless you are running a mastiff or an irish wolf hound, you shouldnt have any problems. of course, this is also assuming you can ride a bike, walk and chew gum at the same time, etc. :wink:
and I'm telling you from past experience with my first dog that allowing them to be able to move towards the wheels and pedals is not a good thing. The walk-dog just keeps them far enough away from you that they can't drift into you. That rigid pole is worth it.

Hey - it was worth the $38 for me after I crashed and nearly killed me and the dog. And yes, I can walk, chew gum, ride a bike etc. at the same time - it just does add some safety to the whole process. YMMV

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:21 pm
by isonychia
MTR wrote:
dog dr wrote:im tellin ya folks, all you need to do is loop the end of the leash around the seat pole of the bike. unless you are running a mastiff or an irish wolf hound, you shouldnt have any problems. of course, this is also assuming you can ride a bike, walk and chew gum at the same time, etc. :wink:
and I'm telling you from past experience with my first dog that allowing them to be able to move towards the wheels and pedals is not a good thing. The walk-dog just keeps them far enough away from you that they can't drift into you. That rigid pole is worth it.

Hey - it was worth the $38 for me after I crashed and nearly killed me and the dog. And yes, I can walk, chew gum, ride a bike etc. at the same time - it just does add some safety to the whole process. YMMV
I tried without one once and only once, almost wrecked. Having said that, the walky dog is great, and so far no close calls. I slow it way down when we pass other dogs though, the stiff bar helps but I can still see some room for pedal/tire collision.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:03 pm
by MTR
I tried without one once and only once, almost wrecked. Having said that, the walky dog is great, and so far no close calls. I slow it way down when we pass other dogs though, the stiff bar helps but I can still see some room for pedal/tire collision.
You are right - probably still could happen, but it sure is lessoned with the bar. I do the same as you around distractions - slow and steady! :)

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:35 pm
by maximus1
I have walkiedog and think it is much better than leash only. Had several close calls with leash only. The bar along with being spring loaded works quite well to absorb occaisional jerk and seems to help keep dog away from bike. I tried my roading harness so as not to have dog pulling on collar but it allowed to much side toside freedom and also allowed dog to get even with front tire. Decided to order padded harness advertised with walkiedog because hookup ring was right above shoulders and it was the right decision. works great

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:41 pm
by maximus1
I have walkiedog and think it is much better than leash only. Had several close calls with leash only. The bar along with being spring loaded works quite well to absorb occaisional jerk and seems to help keep dog away from bike. I tried my roading harness so as not to have dog pulling on collar but it allowed to much side toside freedom and also allowed dog to get even with front tire. Decided to order padded harness advertised with walkiedog because hookup ring was right above shoulders and it was the right decision. works great

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:30 pm
by crazyboy
So I got the walky dog, and all he wants to do is pull me around! Wouldnt be that big of a deal, in a harness, if there was anything besides pavement around.

Re: Springer bike jogger?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:17 pm
by mister2
I got the walky dog last fall for my puppy and it works great. He adapted to it instantly because my kids rode bikes next to him all the time. Only problem I've had is he likes to pull which as a puppy I knew was bad for his physical development so I always used a pinch collar along with the regular collar to stop him from pulling and injuring himself. I rigged the leash with dual snap swivels so that if he tried to pull he would feel the pinch collar first which is enough deterrent however if he pulled any harder than the pinch collar wouldn't choke him out because the regular collar would take up some of the force. It works and I know he's just trotting by me without pulling because I still have to peddle. Switch to the regular collar only and it's a totally different story as he's pulling like a freight train. I don't have a harness yet but can only imagine that would only help him pull even harder. He's about 1yr 4mos now so is it safer to let him pull a little? He has tried to veer out away from the bike to chase squirrels or rabbits but the springs work fine to pull him back quickly as I just keep on going. You'll definitely feel the pull and still have to be ready for it. He has not tried to pull into the wheels yet. Somehow I don't think he's that stupid but if he is, it might hurt. For the quality and price (I think I paid ~$35), I'll stick to the walky dog.