Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

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Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by SettersForever » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:22 pm

I'm a looking for some good resources to help me with some manners questions. I bought an English Setter pup who is now about a year old. I've only had him for a month. I've been bonding with him, letting him out to run 3-4 days/week, I've started training him to whoa, here, and this week have introduced him to the e-collar. The training is going well. My collar also has a vibrating function. When we first got him he was used to staying outside in a kennel. We live in town so outside is out of the question. So after a few rough nights we tried letting him stay in our room. It stopped his crying... I've been teacing him to kennel as well. In the day when I'm not working with him he spends time in the kennel. As long as I'm around he is soon as I leave the room he cries. I do not let him out until he's quiet...which normally is when I walk back into the room (I let him stay there for a while after I come back in the room anyway). Can anyone help me with training him to quit crying - the problem enhanced - he chews on things... shoes, kid toys, clothes, paper anything he can find. We were letting him sleep in the bedroom until he chewed on the leg of the night stand - (it is a nice set and my wife was furious). So here's how I'm solving that problem...since I've been able to introduce him to the e-collar, he sleeps with it on. When he cries, I hit the vibrate button - which stops the crying, then I let go the button...this is good - usually about an hour later, he starts up again...I do the whole thing again. This goes on all night. - last night was the third night - it has gotten somewhat better... Am I on the right track? Can you help me stop the chewing? Last problem, when he is sleeping at my feet, while I'm at my desk or watching TV, when my wife, kids or our mastif walk in, he growls, and sometimes barks at them until he realizes who it is. He doesn't attack. I'd like to fix this annoying problem as well. Thanks for your help.
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Re: Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by DogNewbie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:17 pm

Well, I'm not an expert by any means, but I'll tell you what I'd do. At the very least it may get someone to say, "whatever you do don't do what dognewbie suggested."

First for the whining in the kennel. I think you may be worsening the issue by even entering the room while he is still whining. He stops when you enter the room because he got what he wanted. So if you do enter the room, completely ignore him and do NOT let him out. I would guess that issue will slowly subdue.

You have a couple choices for sleeping. It sounds like he isn't sleeping in a kennel. I guarantee a kennel will fix the chewing at night issue :D As for the whining at night. I don't see an issue with using the collar, but I think ignoring him will teach him that he gets no reaction out of you when he whines. That being said, I know your frustration!

Chewing on things in the need to get it through the pups head that this behavior is 100% unacceptable. You could try trash breaking with the collar (zapping him on a high level while he is doing the bad behavior and pretending like nothing happened so he associated the zap to his actions and not to you), but I would bet this habit could be kicked by simply catching him in the act and either spraying him in the face with a squirt bottle and saying NO! or something else that make the consequence of the behavior not worth it in the first place.

I'm not sure I have any ideas on the growling issue. That seems strange. How does the pup act around these individuals normally?


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Re: Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by helpful_cub » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:30 pm

For the chewing you really need stuff that he is allowed to chew on. My boy loves bones and pig ears. He was a chew-a-holic until he hit 18-months and finally mellowed out a lot. It mainly has to do with growing from puppy teeth/mouth to adult. So yes he does need to chew. Just make sure its on something acceptable for him to chew on or else they will find alternatives.

For whinning, don't let him train you. If he's whinning don't give in and ignore him. When he's quiet for minute or so praise him and give him attention. Eventually he'll learn that he can't demand attention from you, he has to earn it.

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Re: Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by SettersForever » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:52 pm

He only growls at night when he's been sitting at my feet for awhile and someone else walks in the room. Normally he wags his tail with everyone else. I have been assuming its a pseudo-protective thing. Not that he wants to attack, but growls to warn whoever that he's there. I think he will mello out with this as well. If there is a fix for it, though, I'd like to hear any ideas.
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Re: Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by jcbuttry8 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:54 pm

Kona had the same issue with the kennel. She would wine until you walked in. Then would quite until she realized you weren't letting her out. i used a little old fashion lovin. My wife sleeps during the day on one end of the house and the kids go to school. She went in the kennel in the room on the opposite end of the house and i shut the door. She did this for 3 days while we were all out of the house. I let my neighbor know what we were doing and asked for a little understanding. They were happy to help. In the long run it is good for them too. She had no choice but to deal generally for 4 to 6 hours. Now she goes in at night and lays down and not a peep.

As for the growling, when he growls at your wife or kids you pop the sh$t out of him. If you sit by and let it happen he thinks that it is ok and could take it to the next level. I teach all my dogs right from day one that anyone in my house is in control. when they are pups everyone in the house is expected to feed the dog and take the food away during them eating. If you growl or snap you get a pop and made to wait until we give you permission. Right down to my 10 year old daughter. Have never once had a dog growl at anyone in my house, but then again all my dogs know what will happen if they do.

Just remember if your dog is not under control it is because he has you under control.


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Re: Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by Sharon » Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:59 pm

I assume you live in a house and not an apt. Crate the dog and go away shopping for a couple hours . The dog's whining won't annoy anyone and pup will learn that whining doesn't get him out of the crate. I also have opened the crate and given pup a good shaking , saying nothing, to make my point. It's only been 4 weeks. Too soon to worry.

PS That time in the bedroom turned back your progress. No exceptions.

Growling . Grab him by the muzzle and squeeze hard enough to get a response. Timing is everything.
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Re: Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by RayGubernat » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:28 pm

:lol: When I get a puppy its stays in a crate in the house for a few days to a week....longer if it is cold outside. I found that a small radio tuned to an all night music channel, on relatively low volume... really helps to settle down, reassure and quiet down the pup. I see no reason why that would not also work on an older dog.

The upside is that you can tune it to the kind of music you like and the dog will also become a fan. Most of the time I used a soft rock channel. I wonder if acid rock might cause the dog to howl at the moon?? :twisted: :lol:


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Re: Manners: chewing, whining in kennel, and growling

Post by SettersForever » Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:46 pm

Thanks again for the advice...yes, when he growls he get popped. As for the whining, I might try shaking him good in the middle of the night if he does not stop. This will be the fifth night in the kennel. Maybe the music at night will help - the acid rock might keep me up - I'm more of a ccm guy.
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