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Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 11:36 am
by Elkhunter
27 birds over possession is a little egregious IMO.

heck I dont know if I kill 27 birds in a season! :) Though I did kill 5 huns yesterday.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:56 pm
by Moonshine Ike
Bobman, I'd really love to hear this -other side of the story- It sounds like you are in the "know"
Enlighten us.

On a side note it's gotten very humorous to watch the possession limit debate over on the other site. Some there seem to think that possession limits only matter for a brick and mortar home, not an RV. You could be 100 birds over the limit in an RV but that wouldn't count, I guess :) 98% of those guys probably don't have to ever worry about coming close to a possession limit, or even a daily bag limit. The admin Captain Drama himself is keeping the masses from burning the place down

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:58 pm
by Moonshine Ike
Elkhunter wrote:27 birds over possession is a little egregious IMO.

heck I dont know if I kill 27 birds in a season! :) Though I did kill 5 huns yesterday.
without a 20 pic photo essay bragging about your accomplishment, then did this really happen? :)

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:31 pm
by Sharon
Having worked at the jail for 20 years , I can tell you that good people make mistakes /bad choices ;that does not mean that they have a history of bad choices. I do not know this man , but I'll choose to think the best of him.

They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:35 pm
by Schatzman
bobman wrote:I've hunted with Roy and nothing in this thread said about him is true. What we have here is a jealous local lying thru his teeth about a good man. Roy is the farthest thing from a game hog i ever known he won't shoot even a bird that volunteers up on its own or even one his dogs don't handle properly. I've watched him let them fly without even lifting his gun.

His only motivation for killing a bird is to reward one of his dogs for a job done properly. The claim he's a poacher is ridiculous and anyone that been on UJ knows the OP is lying about Brad and those two so called "accomplices that supposedly fled the raid". Anyone thats a regular on UJ can easily figure out who those "accomplices" are and should know darn well they would never break any game laws and definitely aren't there to shoot limits.

The over possession limit thing has a lot to do with refrigeration and friends he was helping out and that's all i will say about that.

That campground is packed with hunters open week of pheasant season then mostly empty for the rest of the season. I go the middle of the second week and Roys camper and mine were the only two there, we hunted for a week and never saw another group of bird hunters.

The only thing he's really guilty of is not properly storing birds in his refrigerator with wings and feet on them, however he labels both the type of bird and the date in each so he sure isn't trying to hide anything.

Lastly possession limits don't have anything to do with how long you can stay in a state they are simply a number nothing more or less, a non residents license is good for the entire season with the exact same priveledges as the resident license.

Residents don't end their season with one possession limit they eat them and then go back out hunting, non residents have the exact same option if they are retired and have the time.
I'm sorry, but if you have been under investigation for two years, odds are you are guilty. They wouldn't waste that much time or effort for something trivial.

I do find it odd that he got off with such a light punishment. I had a friend with a group of people go out goose hunting. They ended up one bird over the groups combined limit. Fish and game stopped them and said all of you can take the blame or just one of you. My buddy decided to step up and take the blame. They took his brand new pickup truck and shotgun because they were used in the "criminal activity". Oddly enough they let him keep his license and he was able to go out and hunt the next day. He never complained about his punishment once because he knew he broke the law. Not one complaint while making truck payments for the next two years on a car he couldn't drive.

To me there is a big difference between being one bird over to 27. I don't care if they were in his freezer or in his game bag. He clearly broke the law in some capacity and the reality is we will never know the full truth. I find it difficult to have any sympathy or respect for someone who so brazenly broke the law. He gives the rest of us a bad name.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:27 pm
by Moonshine Ike
the individual we're referring to was quite boastful on his internet posts. He kills more birds than anybody, his dogs were better than anybodies pooches. Heck, even last saturday, after pleading guilty to the game hogging, he posted some long montana pheasant hunt photo essay on another site (which got deleted soon after). That was gutsy. At least my brother, after getting busted for pot laid low for a while. I would of bet money that most anybody, especially Roysetters was smarter than my brother.

A bad deal all around, kind of sad, actually. From my understanding he wasn't the only one, the others got wind and skedaddled out of Montana, though I imagine their caller ID will be showing area 406 (FWP) soon...

$1,750 fines / restitution
24 months NO hunting in 48 states.

Will this individual abide? Maybe he'll say what the heck and park that RV wherever and whenever and continue to whack birds? Game Wardens, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!! Who knows? If he does as the law instructs, I do feel bad for the dogs and, Roy, also. The man loved travel, adventure and the open country.
Bobman, I do recall you being a loud opponent of hot spotting. Again, if you have another angle to this story, I'd be happy to hear it.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:45 pm
by codym
Elkhunter wrote:27 birds over possession is a little egregious IMO.

heck I dont know if I kill 27 birds in a season! :) Though I did kill 5 huns yesterday.
I doubt it, Ive seen you shoot...... oh wait you have an o/u now so maybe... JK Josh

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 7:57 pm
by QuillGordon
Moonshine Ike, although Roysetters side of the story would be almost as interesting as his boasting posts, I would like to read how Brad has rubbed u wrong?

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:49 pm
by buff
I'm with moonshine ike on this one and you can hunt behind my dogs any day... have a good day Sir

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:00 am
by NC Quailhunter
QuillGordon wrote:Moonshine Ike, although Roysetters side of the story would be almost as interesting as his boasting posts, I would like to read how Brad has rubbed u wrong?
Roysetters got caught doing something wrong and we all know that now. So he does what the court says and pays the piper.
I am also wondering what happened there that has you bent out of joint with that site.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:21 pm
by blanked
Roysetters has posted that since he lives in his motor home while hunting 6 months a year that his motor home becomes his permanent residence.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:33 pm
by blanked
So from a learning point. If I am camping and cook birds that I intend to eat the following day and the warden finds the cook birds in my cooler am I guilty for removing the identfication

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:15 pm
by QuillGordon

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:59 pm
by gonehuntin'
blanked wrote:So from a learning point. If I am camping and cook birds that I intend to eat the following day and the warden finds the cook birds in my cooler am I guilty for removing the identfication
I believe you are. If you cook them and eat them that day, your fine. If you save them overbite you have destroyed proof of species and sex. Same as if your fishing.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:10 am
blanked wrote:So from a learning point. If I am camping and cook birds that I intend to eat the following day and the warden finds the cook birds in my cooler am I guilty for removing the identfication
Yes. A group of my hunting party got dinged for this. We had leftover ducks in wild rice from the night before, and put it in the lunch cooler. At the game stop, the wardens did write a ticket.

HOWEVER, another time that same group got visited by both ND and Federal Wardens, and the state Warden wanted to count ducks in marinade for that evenings dinner, and the Fed warden said they didn't count. They didn't get any tickets that time.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:37 am
by CWT
If I got a ticket for either one of those I'd would be livid!
JONOV wrote:
blanked wrote:So from a learning point. If I am camping and cook birds that I intend to eat the following day and the warden finds the cook birds in my cooler am I guilty for removing the identfication
Yes. A group of my hunting party got dinged for this. We had leftover ducks in wild rice from the night before, and put it in the lunch cooler. At the game stop, the wardens did write a ticket.

HOWEVER, another time that same group got visited by both ND and Federal Wardens, and the state Warden wanted to count ducks in marinade for that evenings dinner, and the Fed warden said they didn't count. They didn't get any tickets that time.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 10:07 am
by ezzy333
I was always told one the bird is cooked it is just meat.. Seems that would make sense but maybe that is the problem

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:10 pm
by Brian Tiffany
ezzy333 wrote:I was always told one the bird is cooked it is just meat.. Seems that would make sense but maybe that is the problem
Throw common sense right out the's not so common anymore. It's all about authority and generating a dollar. These days it seem's less and less about protecting the resource. Maybe I'm wrong??

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:26 pm
by Mountaineer
I assume that possession limits are more about the ease of prosecution of poachers than protection of a resource.
There are far better ways to protect than setting limits.

While some wardens might cut a very fine line with the law, it must be a tough job and good job to them in being successful or not.
Most of us do our best to remain lawful.
All apart from this "Roy" issue and why some get all giggly in the gig.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:52 pm
by Moonshine Ike
QuillGordon wrote::arrow:
I've been gone South hunting Carbon Co. which is the only home to a certain species of game bird in Montana.

A friend of mine took a screen shot of what you posted, before you edited it. That wasn't very nice, Thom....are you hitting the sauce again?

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:53 pm
by Moonshine Ike
Mountaineer wrote:I assume that possession limits are more about the ease of prosecution of poachers than protection of a resource.
There are far better ways to protect than setting limits.

While some wardens might cut a very fine line with the law, it must be a tough job and good job to them in being successful or not.
Most of us do our best to remain lawful.
All apart from this "Roy" issue and why some get all giggly in the gig.
Mountaineer, I have a hard time following you.......must be a bunch of secret code in your posts

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:43 pm
by QuillGordon
That wasn't very nice, Thom
Just misinformed
You want to fill us in why you despise UJ?

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:50 pm
by Sharon
I don't think we should talk about other forums on here.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:53 pm
by Mountaineer
Moonshine Ike wrote:Mountaineer, I have a hard time following you.......must be a bunch of secret code in your posts
That's ok.....I could try poetry or an essay but that might not be understood or accepted either.
Often, truth or inconvenient questions in any form discover that same result.
They each can get in the way of an aimed boot on a downed target.
However, you appear to have gotten your pound....simply cruise....that other place....for more, as the need arises.
I reckon you can find it.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:02 pm
by QuillGordon
Sharon wrote:I don't think we should talk about other forums on here.
Why not?
Moons has a prob with a certain site and takes cowardly pot shots at it while not saying why?
Like it or not all these forums are followed by die hard bird doggers.
Ike is a new comer here & I have a good idea who he is, his resume is not flattering , entertaining but not flattering
Also, his credibility has dropped dramatically due to the hunch...

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:18 pm
by fishvik
bobman wrote:Cody, I don't see where you and I are in any disagreement ??

My point was simply possession limits are not a message to non residents to go home when they are reached. If you eat them and are retired and have the time you can continue to do so all season long, same as a resident.

I believe you don't know Roy because if you did you would know for certain there is more to this story. Roy did screw up but not in the way it looks.
Bob man, If you are not at your permanent residence in any state, and a motorhome does not count as a permanent residence, the possession limit must be followed, in addition proof of identification must be attached and if you are storing others birds you must have a proxy statement with specific information on number, species and sex if there are limitations on sex. If he had both the pheasant and sharptail limits that means he had 52 birds in storage, counting his "bonus birds" In some states possession limits count at point of residence too. I can't believe he didn't understand the regs. It's one of the basic things taught in all Hunter ED classes. He'll have the opportunity to take one of those classes. I also think you have some nerve in your earlier post blaming the locals.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 7:33 am
CWT wrote:If I got a ticket for either one of those I'd would be livid!
JONOV wrote:
blanked wrote:So from a learning point. If I am camping and cook birds that I intend to eat the following day and the warden finds the cook birds in my cooler am I guilty for removing the identfication
Yes. A group of my hunting party got dinged for this. We had leftover ducks in wild rice from the night before, and put it in the lunch cooler. At the game stop, the wardens did write a ticket.

HOWEVER, another time that same group got visited by both ND and Federal Wardens, and the state Warden wanted to count ducks in marinade for that evenings dinner, and the Fed warden said they didn't count. They didn't get any tickets that time.
At the same game stop, we've gotten into urinary olympiads about Bird Identification. There were several younger wardens writing tickets for too many hens that we knew were immature drakes. They called in their "expert" to confirm and he walked by and didn't even stop to look at them closely telling them "immature drakes, check out the bills." They had the paperwork complete, just waiting to send him on his way. The difference between the wardens that check us in the field and the guys at the game stops is night and day.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:11 am
by blanked
So when cooking birds while camping if i cannot eat all the birds i cook i am forced to throw the extra cooked birds in the trash.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:21 am
by gonehuntin'
No, you don't have to shoot them in the first place if you can't utilize them.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:38 am
by Vision
gonehuntin' wrote:No, you don't have to shoot them in the first place if you can't utilize them.

But, but, but, but the proclamation says I'm entitled to shoot 3 per day and have 12 in my possession. Because I paid my money I have to get my money's worth.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:25 am
by ezzy333
Vision wrote:
gonehuntin' wrote:No, you don't have to shoot them in the first place if you can't utilize them.

But, but, but, but the proclamation says I'm entitled to shoot 3 per day and have 12 in my possession. Because I paid my money I have to get my money's worth.
You are not entitled to anything. You are permitted to kill upto 3 birds a day as long as you do not exceed 12 in your possession.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:45 pm
by Vision
ezzy333 wrote:
Vision wrote:
gonehuntin' wrote:No, you don't have to shoot them in the first place if you can't utilize them.

But, but, but, but the proclamation says I'm entitled to shoot 3 per day and have 12 in my possession. Because I paid my money I have to get my money's worth.
You are not entitled to anything. You are permitted to kill upto 3 birds a day as long as you do not exceed 12 in your possession.
I hope you know I was being sarcastic.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:02 pm
by nikegundog
Vision wrote:
I hope you know I was being sarcastic.
That was pretty obvious to most. :D

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 3:14 pm
by ezzy333
I understand but wanted to make sure everyone understood.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:26 pm
by Garrison
Anybody can make a mistake. I shot a deer during rifle season and accidentally tagged it with a archery tag, I called DNR the next morning and let them know. It was a sleepless night thinking I was going to loose my hunting privileges but the warden ended up shaking my hand and saying thanks for the honesty after we cleared up the paperwork. 27 over doesn't seem like an innocent mistake, knowing the rules is part of the deal.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:04 am
Glad to see this guy get his comeuppance. I have been a member of UJ for 7 years and I am sick of old Roy's posts about how he saw "thousands" of pheasants here", etc. Glad he is is banned for 2 yrs. UJ's owner protects his contributing members from the riff-raff. Any criticism of his big donors gets "post holed" immediately. Quite a few of the members believe, and post, that they should be able to camp out all season and that limits are unfair to them. Game hogs are what I call these guys.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:42 pm
by pointerdog
Many a Montana bird hunter has been rejoicing since the spread of the news. A few vigilantes were not happy though as a RV burning party was just about to be summoned before the game wardens swooped in.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 3:45 pm
by pointerdog
HUNTS wrote:Glad to see this guy get his comeuppance. I have been a member of UJ for 7 years and I am sick of old Roy's posts about how he saw "thousands" of pheasants here", etc. Glad he is is banned for 2 yrs. UJ's owner protects his contributing members from the riff-raff. Any criticism of his big donors gets "post holed" immediately. Quite a few of the members believe, and post, that they should be able to camp out all season and that limits are unfair to them. Game hogs are what I call these guys.
It was amazing to lurk over there and see 2 different threads that ran about 12 pages each on this subject. Sadly, most of those people on that site were trying to justify the over limit. Hot Spotters Journal has become the laughing stock on the interwebs and most of those guys don't have the gumption to go out and find game on their own without help with gps coords and hot spotting from the net. That place and probably no other place on the net is a place where you should be spilling the beans. There are many parasitic lurkers that are more than happy to descend upon a region and kill and - or harass them <birds> all

If he stays within the law, there'll be no hunting or fishing for Roy in the next 48 months. OUCH. Question is, does he have the will to be legal or will his ego get him busted again? Doesn't this guy have like 10 to 12 of those long tailed Shags? Got to feel the for the dogs, it wasn't their fault.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:11 pm
by QuillGordon
Hot Spotters Journal has become the laughing stock on the interwebs and most of those guys don't have the gumption to go out and find game on their own without help with gps coords and hot spotting from the net.
I guess I'm blind to these posts. I dunno that I have ever witnessed a GPS coordinate post on any of these bird dog/upland sites other than one which would put you at a Salt Lake City Mcdonalds. :wink:
Now there used to be a certain somebody on the UJ who would drive around & road hunt, once quarry was spotted he would release the hounds, then post stories and photos. His handle alone was considered Hot Spotting.
I consider UJ to be a top notch site that is run extremely well

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:35 pm
by gonehuntin'
Quill, I think UJ caters to a very select group. It is VERY heavily moderated and as a result some very, very, good threads get post holed before they have been given the chance to ever fully develop. There is rarely any useful training info posted there. It is mainly a social board. But, it's Brad's board sad he can run it any way he chooses.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:44 pm
by SCT
gonehuntin' wrote:Quill, I think UJ caters to a very select group. It is VERY heavily moderated and as a result some very, very, good threads get post holed before they have been given the chance to ever fully develop. There is rarely any useful training info posted there. It is mainly a social board. But, it's Brad's board sad he can run it any way he chooses.
Kinda the way I see it too. But, there are some good posts that survive, because most members know when to bite their tongues.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:41 pm
by gonehuntin'
Exactly SCT. My feeling is that if Brad just stayed out of it and let the threads go,my hey would police themselves and be far more interesting and informative. You can look at nearly any other bird dog board ot even the Facebook boards for proof of that.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:34 am
by Max2
gonehuntin' wrote:Exactly SCT. My feeling is that if Brad just stayed out of it and let the threads go,my hey would police themselves and be far more interesting and informative. You can look at nearly any other bird dog board ot even the Facebook boards for proof of that.
gonehuntin' wrote:Quill, I think UJ caters to a very select group. It is VERY heavily moderated and as a result some very, very, good threads get post holed before they have been given the chance to ever fully develop. There is rarely any useful training info posted there. It is mainly a social board. But, it's Brad's board sad he can run it any way he chooses.
I don't know why I feel compelled to add. I don't think anyone gets special treatment at the other site in mention. I think it's a tight nit group of friends who connect. Nothing wrong with that. For me I go there for the same reason I come here~ The fine animals
I think it is good that the site is moderated as good as it is. keep's folk's coming back. You get grumpy miserable people what fun is that.

I can see this thread from all sides. I know why some feel compelled to defend this type behavior and others are truly angered but ~ perhaps for some of the wrong reasons . Friendship of accused on one side and folk's who don't appreciate outsiders in their backyard. I get it . Our natural resources should be # 1. I am not here to judge anyone . Actually why I made the show was someone made mention of attire in a thread and I thought it was this thread . It rubbed me the wrong way ~ I wear a cabella's vest...

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:12 pm
by Up North
I wonder if the case will make the TV show Wardens?

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:37 pm
by pointerdog
Rejoice! I see that that other place now has a NARK BUTTON ... -function/ It's the perfect app to rat out a fellow bird hunting enthusiast.

Does someone prefer a different training method to your own? Push the button!
All distraught that a hunter chooses a pointing breed vs. a flusher? Report it!
Are you intimidated that a poster might wear Orvis or Filson while you're decked out in Cabelas? Expose the deviant!
Disagree over the gauge of shotgun a poster uses on pheasant? Nark 'em out!
Upset that a native to a certain state doesn't think a non resident should be allowed to kill birds for 3 months straight? Tell it to da' man!

Divide & Conquer, it keeps the masses in check :)

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:22 pm
by Up North
pointerdog wrote:Rejoice! I see that that other place now has a NARK BUTTON ... -function/ It's the perfect app to rat out a fellow bird hunting enthusiast.

Does someone prefer a different training method to your own? Push the button!
All distraught that a hunter chooses a pointing breed vs. a flusher? Report it!
Are you intimidated that a poster might wear Orvis or Filson while you're decked out in Cabelas? Expose the deviant!
Disagree over the gauge of shotgun a poster uses on pheasant? Nark 'em out!
Upset that a native to a certain state doesn't think a non resident should be allowed to kill birds for 3 months straight? Tell it to da' man!

Divide & Conquer, it keeps the masses in check :)
You door knob! What do you think the Exclamation mark next to the quote function does!

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:33 pm
by pointerdog
Question mark? Uh what? Are you one of the hired Narks? Am I being reported? :( Don't be so sensitive :)

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:15 pm
by QuillGordon
Geezus Wyo give it a rest... It's fun to read these bird dog forums. They can be helpful & entertaining when jonesing to get out in the field or in my case the hills. Brad has personally covered my "bleep" when I needed it most and I'm convinced he would do it for any of his members. I respect him for running a tight ship. I've seen when things are left to work themselves out and those forums are now dead. Yer like a armchair quarterback here yellin at television to run the sweep. I have no idea what it takes to run a successful forum. Do you?
If so give it a go and will all sit back in our armchair and criticize...
This all goes back to the age old saying of don't judge a man until u have walked a mile in his shoes

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:48 pm
by Az Draht

Keep in mind, you may be a special case. Your photos drive a lot of traffic to the other sight. Brad needs you there.

Re: They finally caught him. Roysetters

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:21 am
by Max2
Up North wrote:I wonder if the case will make the TV show Wardens?
I would say...... I would say ...... yes ..... I notice this thread has a lot "just a pup's" :D