explaination of Trump's appeal

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explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by MNTonester » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:06 am

a bit dated but certainly accurate even now:

"NEW YORKER on Trump:

No matter who your favorite candidate might be . . . the article is an interesting read.
The author is the political correspondent for Bloomberg and wrote extensively about Obama even before he was nominated.

"Who is Donald Trump?" The better question may be, "What is Donald Trump?"

The answer? A giant middle finger from average Americans to the political and media establishment.

Some Trump supporters are like the 60s white girls who dated black guys just to annoy their parents. But most Trump supporters have simply had it with the Demo-socialists and the "Republicans In Name Only." They know there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Hillary Rodham and Jeb Bush, and only a few cents worth between Rodham and the other GOP candidates.

Ben Carson is not an "establishment" candidate, but the Clinton machine would pulverize Carson ; and the somewhat rebellious Ted Cruz will (justifiably so) be tied up with natural born citizen lawsuits (as might Marco Rubio). The Trump supporters figure they may as well have some fun tossing Molotov cocktails at Wall Street and Georgetown while they watch the nation collapse. Besides - lightning might strike, Trump might get elected, and he might actually fix a few things. Stranger things have happened (the nation elected an [islamo-]Marxist in 2008 and Bruce Jenner now wears designer dresses.)

Millions of conservatives are justifiably furious. They gave the Republicans control of the House in 2010 and control of the Senate in 2014, and have seen them govern no differently than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Yet those same voters are supposed to trust the GOP in 2016? Why?

Trump did not come from out of nowhere. His candidacy was created by the last six years of Republican failures.

No reasonable person can believe that any of the establishment candidates [dems or reps] will slash federal spending, rein in the Federal Reserve, cut burdensome business regulations, reform the tax code, or eliminate useless federal departments (the Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Energy, etc.). Even Ronald Reagan was unable to eliminate the Department of Education. (Of course, getting shot at tends to make a person less of a risk-taker.) No reasonable person can believe that any of the nation's major problems will be solved by Rodham, Bush, and the other dishers of donkey fazoo now eagerly eating corn in Iowa and pancakes in New Hampshire .

Many Americans, and especially Trump supporters, have had it with:

· Anyone named Bush

· Anyone named Clinton

· Anyone who's held political office

· Political correctness

· Illegal immigration

· Massive unemployment

· Phony "official" unemployment and inflation figures

· Welfare waste and fraud

· People faking disabilities to go on the dole

· VA waiting lists

· TSA airport groping

· ObamaCare

· The Federal Reserve's money-printing schemes

· Wall Street crooks like Jon Corzine

· Michelle Obama's vacations

· Michelle Obama's food police

· Barack Obama's golf

· Barack Obama's arrogant and condescending lectures

· Barack Obama's criticism/hatred of America

· Valerie Jarrett

· " Holiday trees"

· Hollywood hypocrites

· Global warming nonsense

· Cop killers

· Gun confiscation threats

· Stagnant wages

· Boys in girls' bathrooms

· Whiny, spoiled college students who can't even place the Civil War in the correct century... and that's just the short list.

Trump supporters believe that no Democrat wants to address these issues, and that few Republicans have the courage to address these issues. They certainly know that none of the establishment candidates are better than barely listening to them, and Trump is their way of saying, "Screw you, Hillary Rodham Rove Bush!" The more the talking head political pundits insult the Trump supporters, the more supporters he gains. (The only pundits who seem to understand what is going on are Democrats Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell and Republican John LeBoutillier. All the others argue that the voters will eventually "come to their senses" and support an establishment candidate.)

But America does not need a tune-up at the same old garage. It needs a new engine installed by experts - and neither Rodham nor Bush are mechanics with the skills or experience to install it. Hillary Rodham is not a mechanic; she merely manages a garage her philandering husband abandoned. Jeb Bush is not a mechanic; he merely inherited a garage. Granted, Trump is also not a mechanic, but he knows where to find the best ones to work in his garage. He won't hire his brother-in-law or someone to whom he owes a favor; he will hire someone who lives and breathes cars.

"How dare they revolt!" the "elites" are bellowing. Well, the citizens are daring to revolt, and the RINOs had better get used to it. "But Trump will hand the election to Clinton !" That is what the Karl Rove-types want people to believe, just as the leftist media eagerly shoved "Maverick" McCain down GOP throats in 2008 - knowing he would lose to Obama. But even if Trump loses and Rodham wins, she would not be dramatically different than Bush or most of his fellow candidates. They would be nothing more than caretakers, not working to restore America 's greatness but merely presiding over the collapse of a massively in-debt nation. A nation can perhaps survive open borders; a nation can perhaps survive a generous welfare system. But no nation can survive both - and there is little evidence that the establishment candidates of either party understand that. The United States cannot forever continue on the path it is on. At some point it will be destroyed by its debt.

Yes, Trump speaks like a bull wander[ing] through a china shop, but the truth is that the borders do need to be sealed; we cannot afford to feed, house, and clothe 200,000 Syrian immigrants for decades (even if we get inordinately lucky and none of them are ISIS infiltrators or Syed Farook wannabes); the world is at war with radical Islamists; all the world's glaciers are not melting; and Rosie O'Donnell is a fat pig.

Is Trump the perfect candidate? Of course not. Neither was Ronald Reagan. But unless we close our borders and restrict immigration, all the other issues are irrelevant. One terrorist blowing up a bridge or a tunnel could kill thousands. One jihadist poisoning a city's water supply could kill tens of thousands. One electromagnetic pulse attack from a single Iranian nuclear device could kill tens of millions. Faced with those possibilities, most Americans probably don't care that Trump relied on eminent domain to grab up a final quarter acre of property for a hotel, or that he boils the blood of the Muslim Brotherhood thugs running the Council on American-Islamic Relations. While Attorney General Loretta Lynch's greatest fear is someone giving a Muslim a dirty look, most Americans are more worried about being gunned down at a shopping mall by a crazed [islamic] lunatic who treats his prayer mat better than his three wives and who thinks 72 virgins are waiting for him in paradise.

The establishment is frightened to death that Trump will win, but not because they believe he will harm the nation. They are afraid he will upset their taxpayer-subsidized apple carts. While Obama threatens to veto legislation that spends too little, they worry that Trump will veto legislation that spends too much.

You can be certain that if an establishment candidate wins in November 2016 . . . [their] cabinet positions will be filled with the same people we've seen before. The washed-up has-beens of the Clinton and Bush administrations will be back in charge. The hacks from Goldman Sachs will continue to call the shots. Whether it is Bush's Karl Rove or Clinton 's John Podesta, who makes the decisions in the White House will matter little.


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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:46 am

You found that an interesting read? Yikes.

After 8 years of a black president and faced with the prospect of a woman president, under or uneducated whites, which history has shown are easily manipulated into "the minorities are going to take what's yours" politics (see: Boston see: Irish immigration see: Italian immigration see: Asian immigration), are in panic mode. It is the core issue of many of the symptoms listed in your article.

The last polling I saw on educated whites is favoring Hillary 50 to 42. In contrast, in 2012, Romney won that demo 56 to 42.

The only demographic that Trump is out performing Romney with is uneducated white women (+2%) and uneducated white men (+14%). Hillary has gained in every other demographic compared to 2012 Romney/Obama numbers.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by ezzy333 » Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:26 pm

What a great explanation of exactly how I and many many others watch what is happening in our country and especially our government. I am not willing to see everything I grew up with destroyed, everything my uncles fought for in WW2, and not what I fought for in Korea. I want to leave something better than what I inherited, which doesn't appear likely, so I have lessened my goal to just protecting and preserving what we have. And a good place to start is changing DC and also getting back to understanding where our rights come from and getting God back in our school and everyday life.

It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:27 pm

ezzy333 wrote:What a great explanation of exactly how I and many many others watch what is happening in our country and especially our government. I am not willing to see everything I grew up with destroyed, everything my uncles fought for in WW2, and not what I fought for in Korea. I want to leave something better than what I inherited, which doesn't appear likely, so I have lessened my goal to just protecting and preserving what we have. And a good place to start is changing DC and also getting back to understanding where our rights come from and getting God back in our school and everyday life.
What a shame that segregation and interracial marriage bans were destryed. I mean you grew up with those, right?

To be honest, feelings are irrelevant and of little interest. What is important and of interest is the foundation that forms these feelings.

Why does the majority of every other demographic, aside for uneducated whites, feel that the country isn't going into the dumpster?

Why does an overwhelming majorityof uneducated white males feel the same way as you?

What is the shared foundation?

While I'm a free market guy and don't have much use for corporatism and unions, I just laugh that uneducated white males, who thrived in the 50s through 70s and idolize that era, are also anti-union corporatists. Never ever were unions more strong than the 50s through the 70s.

Feeling don't matter, the why behind the feelings is what is important.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by MNTonester » Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:59 pm

AAA, where do you come up with the crap you spout? I'm glad you love things the way they are - vote for the Hildebeast; things will only get better in your self-deluded little world

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by shags » Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:27 pm

Do some reading about the feminization of American men, and you'll find your answers.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by cjhills » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:00 pm

ezzy333 wrote:What a great explanation of exactly how I and many many others watch what is happening in our country and especially our government. I am not willing to see everything I grew up with destroyed, everything my uncles fought for in WW2, and not what I fought for in Korea. I want to leave something better than what I inherited, which doesn't appear likely, so I have lessened my goal to just protecting and preserving what we have. And a good place to start is changing DC and also getting back to understanding where our rights come from and getting God back in our school and everyday life.
What did you fight for in Korea? You do remember what happened there, don't you? How about Viet Nam??
There are many Atheist who have the same rights as you do. Should they be forced to pray in school. We not only have freedom of religion, but freedom from religion.
One thing about the good times you seem to allude to, is that they were simple. Great if you were a white male. If you were a female or minority not so much. We all grew up racist in the 50s. We just did not know that we were. Remember the TV shows we watched," Amos and Andy" and "Father knows best'. That is how we were raised. We did not think it was wrong, but it was and still is.
If Trump sends your Daughter's partner back to Mexico what happens to The children. Do you think they should go back with him. At least now he works and tries to support them if he goes you or the government will have to pay there way.
I to have children who make what I consider wrong choices. But I do not think that the dems. caused them to make those choices. We can not just pick out the constitutional rights we like and throw out the others.
Thanks. Cj

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:40 pm

MNTonester wrote:AAA, where do you come up with the crap you spout? I'm glad you love things the way they are - vote for the Hildebeast; things will only get better in your self-deluded little world
Where do you see a problem with this country?

Never ever in the history of this country has upward mobility and economic success been more based upon merit. It still isn't perfect but it's better than 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, or 200 years ago.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:49 pm

shags wrote:MNTonester,
Do some reading about the feminization of American men, and you'll find your answers.
It's the exact opposite. I'm secure enough in my own merits and ability to provide for my family that I don't feel the need to keep others down.

I view unadulterated competition as a good thing. Unfortunately, competition creates winners and losers. Trump's message doesn't resonate with winners and I'll just leave it at that.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by mnaj_springer » Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:19 pm

MNTonester wrote:

Many Americans, and especially Trump supporters, have had it with:

· Anyone named Bush

· Anyone named Clinton

· Anyone who's held political office

· Political correctness

· Illegal immigration

· Massive unemployment

· Phony "official" unemployment and inflation figures

· Welfare waste and fraud

· People faking disabilities to go on the dole

· VA waiting lists

· TSA airport groping

· ObamaCare

· The Federal Reserve's money-printing schemes

· Wall Street crooks like Jon Corzine

· Michelle Obama's vacations

· Michelle Obama's food police

· Barack Obama's golf

· Barack Obama's arrogant and condescending lectures

· Barack Obama's criticism/hatred of America

· Valerie Jarrett

· " Holiday trees"

· Hollywood hypocrites

· Global warming nonsense

· Cop killers

· Gun confiscation threats

· Stagnant wages

· Boys in girls' bathrooms

· Whiny, spoiled college students who can't even place the Civil War in the correct century... and that's just the short list.

This list is ridiculous. Phony unemployment? (Conspiracy theory much?) TSA groping? (So you want to stop terrorists but not when it's inconvenient?) Hollywood hypocrites? (What the heck can a president do about that?) Global warming nonsense? (Now we'll dispute scientific facts? What's next? Disputing evolution?) Whiney college students? (It's funny how every old generation hates younger generations).

Seriously.... This is how Trump won people over? Guess what... gullible is written on the ceiling... Made you look! Only an idi.... Oh, never mind.
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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by mask » Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:44 pm

cjhills, people like don't know squat about Korea or Nam. Ezzy and I were there where were you? You and your ilk should thank your lucky stars that communism was stopped where it was. People like you make me sick. Oh and guess what I am one of those uneducated white guys that just happens to have two BA degrees and an AA degree in fire Science. I still cling to god, guns, and freedom and love the country I fought for. So bull with you.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:15 pm

mnaj_springer wrote:
MNTonester wrote:

Many Americans, and especially Trump supporters, have had it with:

· Anyone named Bush

· Anyone named Clinton

· Anyone who's held political office

· Political correctness

· Illegal immigration

· Massive unemployment

· Phony "official" unemployment and inflation figures

· Welfare waste and fraud

· People faking disabilities to go on the dole

· VA waiting lists

· TSA airport groping

· ObamaCare

· The Federal Reserve's money-printing schemes

· Wall Street crooks like Jon Corzine

· Michelle Obama's vacations

· Michelle Obama's food police

· Barack Obama's golf

· Barack Obama's arrogant and condescending lectures

· Barack Obama's criticism/hatred of America

· Valerie Jarrett

· " Holiday trees"

· Hollywood hypocrites

· Global warming nonsense

· Cop killers

· Gun confiscation threats

· Stagnant wages

· Boys in girls' bathrooms

· Whiny, spoiled college students who can't even place the Civil War in the correct century... and that's just the short list.

This list is ridiculous. Phony unemployment? (Conspiracy theory much?) TSA groping? (So you want to stop terrorists but not when it's inconvenient?) Hollywood hypocrites? (What the heck can a president do about that?) Global warming nonsense? (Now we'll dispute scientific facts? What's next? Disputing evolution?) Whiney college students? (It's funny how every old generation hates younger generations).

Seriously.... This is how Trump won people over? Guess what... gullible is written on the ceiling... Made you look! Only an idi.... Oh, never mind.
We hate stagnant wages so let's vote for corporatism!

Vacations? Golf? Can we just combine these two into a "junk that stupid people are concerned about" category?

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:21 pm

mask wrote:Oh and guess what I am one of those uneducated white guys that just happens to have two BA degrees and an AA degree in fire Science.
No, you're just one of the 42% of educated white people that support Trump. A demographic that Romney dominated Obama 56 to 42 in 2012 and that Trump is tanking with and Hillary now owns.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by ezzy333 » Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:19 pm

cjhills wrote:
ezzy333 wrote:What a great explanation of exactly how I and many many others watch what is happening in our country and especially our government. I am not willing to see everything I grew up with destroyed, everything my uncles fought for in WW2, and not what I fought for in Korea. I want to leave something better than what I inherited, which doesn't appear likely, so I have lessened my goal to just protecting and preserving what we have. And a good place to start is changing DC and also getting back to understanding where our rights come from and getting God back in our school and everyday life.
What did you fight for in Korea? You do remember what happened there, don't you? How about Viet Nam??
There are many Atheist who have the same rights as you do. Should they be forced to pray in school. We not only have freedom of religion, but freedom from religion.
One thing about the good times you seem to allude to, is that they were simple. Great if you were a white male. If you were a female or minority not so much. We all grew up racist in the 50s. We just did not know that we were. Remember the TV shows we watched," Amos and Andy" and "Father knows best'. That is how we were raised. We did not think it was wrong, but it was and still is.
If Trump sends your Daughter's partner back to Mexico what happens to The children. Do you think they should go back with him. At least now he works and tries to support them if he goes you or the government will have to pay there way.
I to have children who make what I consider wrong choices. But I do not think that the dems. caused them to make those choices. We can not just pick out the constitutional rights we like and throw out the others.
Thanks. Cj
I call BS, oh Great Wizard. You are in no position to tell any of us about racism, women's rights or how we were raised. In the 50's some of you may have watch Amos and Andy as well as Abbot and Costello and neither one were racist but both were comedy that many people enjoyed. During those times I lived With a black Arab, a Jew from St.Louis, and a redneck from South Carolina. the only incident we ever had was being turned away from a restaurant in Oklahoma but they changed there mine when we all were going to leave if one was refused. And we sure could use a Father Knows Best today when the kids are running the asylum. As far as the grandkids are concerned, it is up to the family what or where they will do or go. You know back in those heathen old days people left their family behind quite often while they had to travel to find work. Responsible hardships were part of growing into responsible adults that took care of their own. My father-in-law came and lived with us for several years when he was needing help. Did I tell you I have a black grandchild that is dearly loved but it bothers me when he and his friends call each other "bleep" as a term of endearment I guess. I also grew up eating "bleep" toes and never had any thoughts that it was connected to racism because it wasn't. I never heard anything about race till I left home and found people who somehow thought the color of the skin made a difference, All of these supposed improvements of today have been started by people who are sure they are wonderful people because they care more than anyone else about things that don't even exist in most minds. And I am not saying everything was perfect then and it sure isn't now but this feely touchy thing that allows people to feel good rather than doing good has never solved a problem and never will. Political correctness has done more damage while producing nothing of substance than anything I can think of. Maybe you could tell us how much worse it is to be killed in a hate crime than just being killed in a regular vanilla type crime. Or maybe why it is worse to sell drugs in front of a school than it is if you go down to the crossing where all of the kids cross the street or even across town under a bridge. Why is a crime not just a crime anymore but rather it depends where it takes place.

Hopefully I have given you all enough of my life experiences that you now know how superior you are to some of us simple folks who still believe in God and still are willing to help anyone willing to help themselves. Money, color. religion makes little difference as long it doesn't take away from anyone being a responsible individual who also loves his neighbor as much as I do. But I am not going to waste much time with people who make little effort to improve themselves but instead blame everyone else for anything that they perceive as wrong and are very willing to spend your money to fix their problem.

Oh, and by the way, no one has ever been forced to pray but many have been forced not to pray because of a few. Explain how that has made the world better. And which bathroom you use has never been a major part of anyones life since all it is is a comfort station for bodily functions in private. I know you can't speak for other groups but explain to us how the bathroom stall is a major part of how you feel about yourself. As the top surgeons are saying you can not change sex with a knife but rather just change appearance. Evidently we don't get our kicks on Route66 but instead it happens in the bathroom stall.

It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by mnaj_springer » Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:49 pm

Ezzy, I'm not sure... I read through what you wrote three times... Are you saying racism doesn't or didn't exist? Keep in mind, racism and discrimination are totally different things!
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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Tooling » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:01 pm

I'm pretty sure he didn't say that racism doesn't exist.

I'm 47 and hear the man clear as a bell...but I suppose with my white privilege and all, that's to be expected.

Thank you for your service to our country Ezzy.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by MSU Aggie » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:02 pm

I love how some people think that just because they went to college and others dont it makes their opinions the right one. I know a lot of uneducated people that are smarter and have more common sense than just about any college graduate. You can still be dumb even if you pay for a sheet of paper, mine sits in a box. Learned more on the job than I ever did in a college class.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by mnaj_springer » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:27 pm

Tooling wrote:I'm pretty sure he didn't say that racism doesn't exist.

I'm 47 and hear the man clear as a bell...but I suppose with my white privilege and all, that's to be expected.

Thank you for your service to our country Ezzy.
I asked because I wasn't sure. I'm sure Ezzy can speak for himself. He has quite a bit already.
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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by ezzy333 » Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:06 pm

Cetting late so if I get around to it tomorrow we can continue

It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:04 pm

MSU Aggie wrote:I love how some people think that just because they went to college and others dont it makes their opinions the right one. I know a lot of uneducated people that are smarter and have more common sense than just about any college graduate. You can still be dumb even if you pay for a sheet of paper, mine sits in a box. Learned more on the job than I ever did in a college class.
I feel confident in saying that as a group college educated whites are smarter than non-college educated whites. Just as I can say that the average income for college educated whites is higher than that for non-college educated whites.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Tooling » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:51 pm

AAA Gundogs wrote:
I feel confident in saying that as a group college educated whites are smarter than non-college educated whites. Just as I can say that the average income for college educated whites is higher than that for non-college educated whites.
In large part, I feel confident in saying that you are precisely what is wrong with America.

Wake up

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by cjhills » Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:28 am

mask wrote:cjhills, people like don't know squat about Korea or Nam. Ezzy and I were there where were you? You and your ilk should thank your lucky stars that communism was stopped where it was. People like you make me sick. Oh and guess what I am one of those uneducated white guys that just happens to have two BA degrees and an AA degree in fire Science. I still cling to god, guns, and freedom and love the country I fought for. So bull with you.
"People like you do not know Squat about Korea or Nam. People like you make me sick". Are you kidding me. If you want to compare service records I think I would willing. I could not care less about your education. Being educated does not make you smart.
My brother was in Korea. When my home town national guard was mobilized, we sent most of our young to Fort Rucker Ala. and then to Korea. Most were relatives and friends. Some did not come back. I was too young for Korea. I spent from 1961 to 1966 in the Army and was an adviser at the start of Viet Nam. I did not reup because of the things I saw in Nam.
Just for the record we did not win either war and communism was not stopped by these wars. I do not consider myself a hero because I was in Nam. Maybe you and Ezzy do.
We have just seen how easy it is to upset Donald Trump. His comments about wanting to hit the people who spoke out against him at the DNC say it all." I wanted to hit them so hard it would make their head spin and they would never forget". Sounds like my fourth grade grandson. His admiration of the totalitarian leaders and his only "I can fix it" are very alarming. This is a dangerous man and is very likely to start WW3
Mask: I fully intended to be done with all this BS, but I have a hard time being insulted by someone who Hides behind a mask. Who are you? the Lone Ranger...................CJ

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Dakotazeb » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:28 am

Tooling wrote:
AAA Gundogs wrote:
I feel confident in saying that as a group college educated whites are smarter than non-college educated whites. Just as I can say that the average income for college educated whites is higher than that for non-college educated whites.
In large part, I feel confident in saying that you are precisely what is wrong with America.

Wake up
Tooling, I agree and give you a big thumbs up. I'm an educated white guy and a US Army vet (68'-'71). I'm voting for Trump in November. No way I'd vote for that crooked hose bag Hillary. There is a reason her unfavorability rating is higher than Trumps.
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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by MSU Aggie » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:39 am

AAA Gundogs wrote:
MSU Aggie wrote:I love how some people think that just because they went to college and others dont it makes their opinions the right one. I know a lot of uneducated people that are smarter and have more common sense than just about any college graduate. You can still be dumb even if you pay for a sheet of paper, mine sits in a box. Learned more on the job than I ever did in a college class.
I feel confident in saying that as a group college educated whites are smarter than non-college educated whites. Just as I can say that the average income for college educated whites is higher than that for non-college educated whites.
This is exactly what's wrong with the education system anymore. Just because someone goes to college they think there better than those that didn't,and there opinion some how is the only one that matters. I've got bad news for you, those non-educated people you talk about make your world run.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:57 am

AAA Gundogs wrote:...I feel confident in saying that as a group college educated whites are smarter than non-college educated whites.....
About the only advatage to these long run My Opionion threads is that sooner or later the veneer slips and the real wood underneath shows.
Even when the problem response is spun or directed in hopes of a bit of covering polish.
All I can say is that dogs certainly are non-discriminating critters.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by cjhills » Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:58 am

I do have one other question. Why is it that I am in no position to talk about racism or women's rights but you are and why do all righties have to resort to insults and name calling to make their point? Sorry, I guess that makes two questions.
When you say there was no racism in the sixties it pretty much sets the tone for everything else you say. It is beyond my comprehension that you can say "Amos and Andy" was not racist. Would you also say you have never heard a N word jokes? Did you laugh? That is racism. I spent the early sixties in Fort Leonard Wood, MO. all the restaurants and bathrooms had whites only signs that is segregation
Actually, I am probably not all that much different than you. Our kids (7) were raised with God in their home and in their schools as, I assume, were yours. Both their mother and I were strong presences in their upbringing as I am assuming you were. As is the case with my daughter and yours. Some make bad choices.
I also have three black great grand children. Their father is pretty much a non presence in there home and their mother is milking the system for all it is worth. Would it be better to cut off all support for our grand children an let them starve. I can not support them all. My biggest fear for these children is that they are going to grow up with the color of their skin being a hurdle the have to climb and with no opportunity to improve life.
My point is the times that you seem to believe were so great did not work for your daughter or mine. One size does not fit all.
Before you tell me the family should take care of their own, I do not have the funds to educate three more children. they will need help and it is very likely they will not get it..................Cj

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Tooling » Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:31 am

cjhills wrote:Ezzy:
My biggest fear for these children is that they are going to grow up with the color of their skin being a hurdle the have to climb and with no opportunity to improve life.
Hope I'm okay to comment..

If the whole mantra about the black cause coupled with the notion of white entitlement is pounded into their heads..they are going to have an awful life b/c they may likely become entrenched into that mindset and live their lives with the undertow of being the victim..with a chip on their shoulder.

"Ebonics" should be horrendously offensive to the black community.


This topic frustrates me..here is a hard truth but a truth nonetheless..

Slavery has existed throughout mans entire recorded history..it is only in the 150 + yrs that the world has woken up to the ill of that..as in, it's just not right.

The change has occurred - why am I being punished and vilified?

And no, I am not vilified within my own life (example is hyperbole)..but then again..

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:25 am

MSU Aggie wrote:
AAA Gundogs wrote:
MSU Aggie wrote:I love how some people think that just because they went to college and others dont it makes their opinions the right one. I know a lot of uneducated people that are smarter and have more common sense than just about any college graduate. You can still be dumb even if you pay for a sheet of paper, mine sits in a box. Learned more on the job than I ever did in a college class.
I feel confident in saying that as a group college educated whites are smarter than non-college educated whites. Just as I can say that the average income for college educated whites is higher than that for non-college educated whites.
This is exactly what's wrong with the education system anymore. Just because someone goes to college they think there better than those that didn't,and there opinion some how is the only one that matters. I've got bad news for you, those non-educated people you talk about make your world run.
No, what is wrong with country is when people make dumb statements, in direct opposition to scientific data, and then get angry when they're told that they're wrong.

The mean IQ for college graduates is 15 points higher than the general population. For STEM graduates and phds/mds, the mean is over 25 points higher.

So while people have drawn crazy conclusions from my statements, while it might be tough for some to swallow, it isn't controversial to say that on average (ie mean) college graduates are smarter than those that didn't reach that educational achievement.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by ezzy333 » Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:45 am

cjhills wrote:Ezzy:
I do have one other question. Why is it that I am in no position to talk about racism or women's rights but you are and why do all righties have to resort to insults and name calling to make their point? Sorry, I guess that makes two questions.
When you say there was no racism in the sixties it pretty much sets the tone for everything else you say. It is beyond my comprehension that you can say "Amos and Andy" was not racist. Would you also say you have never heard a N word jokes? Did you laugh? That is racism. I spent the early sixties in Fort Leonard Wood, MO. all the restaurants and bathrooms had whites only signs that is segregation
I NEVER SAID YOU COULDN'T TALK ABOUT IT.I did say you can't tell me I don't understand it since I am a white male. YOU CAN'T TELL ME HOW I WAS RAISED. You have no idea how I was raised. YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT WAS RACIST AND WHAT WASN'T. If you thought they were racist then they were to YOU. If I was raised to not know there was a difference then they weren't. I told Polish jokes, blond jokes, bohemian jokes Irish jokes, Jewish jokes, English jokes, and a few others. I told them because they were funny and it had nothing to do with how I feel about any of those personally. Funny we can still enjoy most of those and see them on TV and hear them on the radio, but for God's sake don't utter a word about Blacks or women because those are liberal projects, and of course a few years back Mexicans were added and now Obama has added Muslims. I went through the years when being short, fat, tall, and thin have been bad, physically or mentally impaired, bald, orphaned, poor, hillbilly, rednecks, hobo, bum, homeless, Gypsy, and any other trait that people can see is different has had its day. And how do the people without a sense of humor deal with it, they change the name so it SOUNDS BETTER to them and that way they can Ignore the problem which makes them FEEL GOOD.

You know I can't solve the problems of the 50's and 60's but things have changed slowly and with those changes come new problems and we can do a couple of things about them. Might just ignore, might try to correct them, or you might try to set an example in your own life, which many times works out real well since often what happens we have a lot of do gooder's that decide to change things how they think is best without really know what they are doing, without really asking what is the problem and always thinking everyone else should pay for the changes they think should be made. God will help those who help themselves and there re many others who will join that effort but things seldom get better because someone sits back and identifies all of the problems some one else should fix.

It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:09 pm

AAA Gundogs wrote:...So while people have drawn crazy conclusions from my statements, while it might be tough for some to swallow, it isn't controversial to say that on average (ie mean) college graduates are smarter than those that didn't reach that educational achievement.
"Controversal" would not be the idea....for everyone reading the post.
Assuming that controversial occassions the responding comments to spring forth simply is a subtle way of spin and of implying superiority.
Endeavor to be more subtle if you wish to try and stay under the covers.
For I suspect more is just about ready to slip. :wink:

Trends are present everywhere...even in message board posts re cut & paste political ...facts. :D
Facts and figures can be found or used to imply most anything.
Facts are not always what they are cracked up to be.
"We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves" as Eric Hoffer wrote.
Neither Liberals nor Conservatives are exempt from spitting lies, dam(n) lies and spinning bits and pieces to build a whole which is comfortable to them.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by mnaj_springer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:43 pm

Ok, now I really need your help understanding this, Ezzy. So because you didn't know something was racist, it means that it wasn't? Did I read that part correctly? I'm trying not to jump to conclusions.
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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:42 pm

Mountaineer wrote:
AAA Gundogs wrote:...So while people have drawn crazy conclusions from my statements, while it might be tough for some to swallow, it isn't controversial to say that on average (ie mean) college graduates are smarter than those that didn't reach that educational achievement.
"Controversal" would not be the idea....for everyone reading the post.
Assuming that controversial occassions the responding comments to spring forth simply is a subtle way of spin and of implying superiority.
Endeavor to be more subtle if you wish to try and stay under the covers.
For I suspect more is just about ready to slip. :wink:

Trends are present everywhere...even in message board posts re cut & paste political ...facts. :D
Facts and figures can be found or used to imply most anything.
Facts are not always what they are cracked up to be.
"We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves" as Eric Hoffer wrote.
Neither Liberals nor Conservatives are exempt from spitting lies, dam(n) lies and spinning bits and pieces to build a whole which is comfortable to them.
Here is the reality, Trump is polling at record lows with college educated whites and, for the first time time that I can remember, will not only lose the demo bit lose it big.

On the flipside, he's polling at near record numbers with uneducated whites and might win uneducated white males by a 3 to 1 margin.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:03 pm

AAA Gundogs wrote:Here is the reality, Trump is polling at record lows with college educated whites and, for the first time time that I can remember, will not only lose the demo bit lose it big.

On the flipside, he's polling at near record numbers with uneducated whites and might win uneducated white males by a 3 to 1 margin.

If you slop on the covering laquer too heavy then you get runs in the finish :idea: but, I suspect your finishing gambit will distract from your slip and work with the already convinced choir members....for others, not so much.
That tho, is the reality you appear to bank upon....that and being the one to conveniently determine what is...reality.

Trump would certainly not be my choice as his unknowns can make one a tad antsy but, sadly, Mrs. Crooked Finger's knowns are enough to force the unknown up a notch...that is, unless one needs to pull from the tap of the guvmint. Be it a wind subsidies or farm subsidies pull (one is normally a target and the other, ignored) or, maybe, one needs to cover the mistakes made by children and their parents....or, whatever....good or bad, understandable or not, in nature.
In Mrs. CF's guvmint, the call is for more and more taps drilled in the aquifer.....and that, is the bait she uses for those with straws a-waitin'.
The world will indeed spin come January but the sound of sucking may well soon cover up the national anthem.
Heck, I reckon that tune will be changed some day as well.
No doubt some tunesmiths are on the government payroll as I type.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by greg jacobs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:37 pm

Sorry wrong topic

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 2:45 pm

Mountaineer wrote:
AAA Gundogs wrote:Here is the reality, Trump is polling at record lows with college educated whites and, for the first time time that I can remember, will not only lose the demo bit lose it big.

On the flipside, he's polling at near record numbers with uneducated whites and might win uneducated white males by a 3 to 1 margin.

If you slop on the covering laquer too heavy then you get runs in the finish :idea: but, I suspect your finishing gambit will distract from your slip and work with the already convinced choir members....for others, not so much.
That tho, is the reality you appear to bank upon....that and being the one to conveniently determine what is...reality.

Trump would certainly not be my choice as his unknowns can make one a tad antsy but, sadly, Mrs. Crooked Finger's knowns are enough to force the unknown up a notch...that is, unless one needs to pull from the tap of the guvmint. Be it a wind subsidies or farm subsidies pull (one is normally a target and the other, ignored) or, maybe, one needs to cover the mistakes made by children and their parents....or, whatever....good or bad, understandable or not, in nature.
In Mrs. CF's guvmint, the call is for more and more taps drilled in the aquifer.....and that, is the bait she uses for those with straws a-waitin'.
The world will indeed spin come January but the sound of sucking may well soon cover up the national anthem.
Heck, I reckon that tune will be changed some day as well.
No doubt some tunesmiths are on the government payroll as I type.
I've voted republican since HW in 88. I even voted to put the Alaskan Dingbat 1 step away from the presidency.

What is troubling about Trump isn't that he's unknown, the most troubling thing is what is known. He's a poor businessman that can no longer find credit in the US and needs foreign investors and banks to raise capital. It's that he's not only made horrifically racist, sexist, and bigoted statements; it's that the Feds have had to intervene in his rental practices since the 70s and he tried to scam them twice.

We can go on and on. You'll never believe anything I tell you because you're too invested.

Even when over 120 GOP national security experts, spanning every white house since Ford, sign a letter in opposition to Trump and recently to exclude him from security briefings, you'll ignore them.

When McCain's long time chief of staff pens a letter in opposition to Trump that every reporter not badgering Trump for several years of tax returns is defrauding the American people and that Trump is in deep into Russian pockets, you'll ignore that as well.

The sad thing is that this was probably the most winnable election in the modern era and we nominated a boorish narcissistic TV reality star who'a whole campaign is centered on exploiting the worst in society.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:23 pm

AAA Gundogs wrote:...We can go on and on. You'll never believe anything I tell you because you're too invested.
Quite wrong. :wink:
It is not that I do not believe some of the bits and pieces you spit, I do not believe the picture you and others make from the jigsaw pieces on the table. On each side, you conveniently pocket a puzzle piece or six to conveniently skew the grand old mill and waterwheel indicated on the boxtop.

It is a shame...I would not trust either political candidate with one of my setters...one would give them everything they want and the other would hand off the lead rope of responsibility to someone else.
The childish cut & paste duel or indicating that only a chosen few realize the true skinny is why I reckon I also would not trust several folks with any of my setters.
They appear too easily distracted by fluff and self-importance and might miss that old well grown up with jaggers.

I leave you to impress the fellas at the barbershop or entering Kroger.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by greg jacobs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:36 pm

Talked to my kids before they went to college. Told them most people had an agenda. Teachers included. And that most colleges are teaching liberal ideas as facts and they needed to decide for themselves what to believe in. Certainly education doesn't always mean intelligent. People that think if you don't believe in and buy into liberal teaching and ideas you are just ignorant. In my opinion that is the ultimate ignorance.
For those thrashing the corporations of this country. How are most Americans being supported. I would guess working for large and small corporations. Would you prefer sponging off the government. How is bigger government, supporting the unmotivated, and more regulation good for America. 

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:47 pm

greg jacobs wrote:Talked to my kids before they went to college. Told them most people had an agenda. Teachers included. And that most colleges are teaching liberal ideas as facts and they needed to decide for themselves what to believe in. Certainly education doesn't always mean intelligent. People that think if you don't believe in and buy into liberal teaching and ideas you are just ignorant. In my opinion that is the ultimate ignorance.
For those thrashing the corporations of this country. How are most Americans being supported. I would guess working for large and small corporations. Would you prefer sponging off the government. How is bigger government, supporting the unmotivated, and more regulation good for America. 
You have a disconnect in logic. Nobody is bashing corporations. They bash Corporatism which is corportions using their means and political clout to rentseek. Its a fallacy to believe that Corporatism is in favor of smaller government. It is in favor of bigger government when it favors them. Tax breaks, subsidies, and even regulation when it creates barriers to entry and takes competition out of the market.

I don't know how old you are but I remember there being hundreds companies that were oil producers and refineries in this country. They were regulated out of business by bipartisan supported legislation that was written by big oil.

Why do subsidize agriculture? Oil exploration? Home ownership? It isn't we the people.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by mnaj_springer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:48 pm

greg jacobs wrote:Talked to my kids before they went to college. Told them most people had an agenda. Teachers included. And that most colleges are teaching liberal ideas as facts and they needed to decide for themselves what to believe in. Certainly education doesn't always mean intelligent. People that think if you don't believe in and buy into liberal teaching and ideas you are just ignorant. In my opinion that is the ultimate ignorance.
For those thrashing the corporations of this country. How are most Americans being supported. I would guess working for large and small corporations. Would you prefer sponging off the government. How is bigger government, supporting the unmotivated, and more regulation good for America. 
I find this picture of teachers interesting. First of all, I'm not sure where it comes from or what differentiates ideas from "liberal ideas." Maybe you could give some examples... Also, it made me think of the movie American History X. It's the one with Ed Norton. There's the "liberal" black teacher and the not so liberal teacher who turns out to be a neo-nazi leader. Maybe I'll watch it again tonight.
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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:51 pm

Mountaineer wrote:
AAA Gundogs wrote:...We can go on and on. You'll never believe anything I tell you because you're too invested.
Quite wrong. :wink:
It is not that I do not believe some of the bits and pieces you spit, I do not believe the picture you and others make from the jigsaw pieces on the table. On each side, you conveniently pocket a puzzle piece or six to conveniently skew the grand old mill and waterwheel indicated on the boxtop.

It is a shame...I would not trust either political candidate with one of my setters...one would give them everything they want and the other would hand off the lead rope of responsibility to someone else.
The childish cut & paste duel or indicating that only a chosen few realize the true skinny is why I reckon I also would not trust several folks with any of my setters.
They appear too easily distracted by fluff and self-importance and might miss that old well grown up with jaggers.

I leave you to impress the fellas at the barbershop or entering Kroger.
1 day into his classified daily briefings and Trump has already leaked top secret classified information, about the US renting a military base in Saudi Arabia, when we were officially out of Saudi Arabia over a decade ago, in a speech (maybe on twitter as well) that will damage our and the Saudis standing in the middle east.

It confirms the National Security community's biggest fears, including many active in the briefings themselves, that Trump doesn't have the capacity to handle classified information.
Last edited by AAA Gundogs on Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by shags » Sat Jul 30, 2016 3:53 pm


Trump was nominated because he dominated the primary popular vote. He got almost twice as many votes as Cruz, almost 3 times Kasich's, and almost 4 times Rubio's.

Combined, those three candidates have only about 2 million votes more than Trump.

So, either a lot of uneducated white males got off their beer-drinkin' duffs and voted while the smarter more educated fellas stayed home with their single malts, or some of those intellectually superior guys dumbed down and [secretly] voted for Trump, too.

So unless more smart guys like you wise up, you may need look into these

http://knowledgeweighsnothing.com/6-fre ... ild-plans/

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:00 pm

shags wrote:AAAgundogs,

Trump was nominated because he dominated the primary popular vote. He got almost twice as many votes as Cruz, almost 3 times Kasich's, and almost 4 times Rubio's.

Combined, those three candidates have only about 2 million votes more than Trump.

So, either a lot of uneducated white males got off their beer-drinkin' duffs and voted while the smarter more educated fellas stayed home with their single malts, or some of those intellectually superior guys dumbed down and [secretly] voted for Trump, too.

So unless more smart guys like you wise up, you may need look into these

http://knowledgeweighsnothing.com/6-fre ... ild-plans/
Primaries are dominated by the wackos, the angry, and the extremists. It's why every republican nominee that I remember since Reagan has had to pivot back to the center for the general election.

For the most part, the primary process disenfranchises just about everyone that isn't from a flyover state and over represents the extreme right.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:02 pm

AAA Gundogs wrote:1 day into his classified daily briefings and Trump has already leaked top secret classified information, about the US renting a military base in Saudi Arabia, when we were officially out of Saudi Arabia over a decade ago, in a speech (maybe on twitter as well) that will damage our and the Saudis standing in the middle east.

It confirms the National Security community's biggest fears, including many active in the briefings themselves, that Trump doesn't have the capacity to handle classified information.
It might help you gain attention to your toots if you sported a large-brimmed hat with a prominent feather....tough on the Internet but might work a treat at the barbershop. :idea:

Having been in and around the oil & gas business for 50+ years as well as a college education dedicated to the same....your comments have both truth and humor within.
So far, humor wins on points.
But, generalize away..it is good to laugh.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by shags » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:04 pm

AAA Gundogs wrote:
1 day into his classified daily briefings and Trump has already leaked top secret classified information, about the US renting a military base in Saudi Arabia, when we were officially out of Saudi Arabia over a decade ago, in a speech (maybe on twitter as well) that will damage our and the Saudis standing in the middle east.

It confirms the National Security community's biggest fears, including many active in the briefings themselves, that Trump doesn't have the capacity to handle classified information.
Untwist your knickers.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:40 pm

shags wrote:
AAA Gundogs wrote:
1 day into his classified daily briefings and Trump has already leaked top secret classified information, about the US renting a military base in Saudi Arabia, when we were officially out of Saudi Arabia over a decade ago, in a speech (maybe on twitter as well) that will damage our and the Saudis standing in the middle east.

It confirms the National Security community's biggest fears, including many active in the briefings themselves, that Trump doesn't have the capacity to handle classified information.
Untwist your knickers.
I've followed your link and I'm not quite sure what you believe is interesting about it. Literally, I see a page title US Bases in Saudi Arabia with nothing but links to ads and nonrelated articles.

We officially don't have.military bases in Saudi and haven't in well over a decade.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:48 pm

Mountaineer wrote:
AAA Gundogs wrote:1 day into his classified daily briefings and Trump has already leaked top secret classified information, about the US renting a military base in Saudi Arabia, when we were officially out of Saudi Arabia over a decade ago, in a speech (maybe on twitter as well) that will damage our and the Saudis standing in the middle east.

It confirms the National Security community's biggest fears, including many active in the briefings themselves, that Trump doesn't have the capacity to handle classified information.
It might help you gain attention to your toots if you sported a large-brimmed hat with a prominent feather....tough on the Internet but might work a treat at the barbershop. :idea:

Having been in and around the oil & gas business for 50+ years as well as a college education dedicated to the same....your comments have both truth and humor within.
So far, humor wins on points.
But, generalize away..it is good to laugh.
I'd stick to the personal attacks. If anything, it will make you feel better about yourself.

The appeal to authority is a little pointless when you don't use it to make a conclusion. What are you disputing, in general, big oil rent seeking or big oil writing regulations to oust independent producers out of the market?

Last, I don't get the Internet tough guy angle or the generalities comment. Please explain further. Thanks
Last edited by AAA Gundogs on Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by shags » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:51 pm

do you not see the map - dated 2016 - with 3 bases marked?

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by AAA Gundogs » Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:54 pm

shags wrote:do you not see the map - dated 2016 - with 3 bases marked?
Literally no map. What's the name of the bases and who is stationed there?

It still doesn't make it nonclassified information nor does it make the financial arrangement nonclassified.

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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by cjhills » Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:34 pm

ezzy333 wrote:
cjhills wrote:Ezzy:
I do have one other question. Why is it that I am in no position to talk about racism or women's rights but you are and why do all righties have to resort to insults and name calling to make their point? Sorry, I guess that makes two questions.
When you say there was no racism in the sixties it pretty much sets the tone for everything else you say. It is beyond my comprehension that you can say "Amos and Andy" was not racist. Would you also say you have never heard a N word jokes? Did you laugh? That is racism. I spent the early sixties in Fort Leonard Wood, MO. all the restaurants and bathrooms had whites only signs that is segregation
I NEVER SAID YOU COULDN'T TALK ABOUT IT.I did say you can't tell me I don't understand it since I am a white male. YOU CAN'T TELL ME HOW I WAS RAISED. You have no idea how I was raised. YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT WAS RACIST AND WHAT WASN'T. If you thought they were racist then they were to YOU. If I was raised to not know there was a difference then they weren't. I told Polish jokes, blond jokes, bohemian jokes Irish jokes, Jewish jokes, English jokes, and a few others. I told them because they were funny and it had nothing to do with how I feel about any of those personally. Funny we can still enjoy most of those and see them on TV and hear them on the radio, but for God's sake don't utter a word about Blacks or women because those are liberal projects, and of course a few years back Mexicans were added and now Obama has added Muslims. I went through the years when being short, fat, tall, and thin have been bad, physically or mentally impaired, bald, orphaned, poor, hillbilly, rednecks, hobo, bum, homeless, Gypsy, and any other trait that people can see is different has had its day. And how do the people without a sense of humor deal with it, they change the name so it SOUNDS BETTER to them and that way they can Ignore the problem which makes them FEEL GOOD.

You know I can't solve the problems of the 50's and 60's but things have changed slowly and with those changes come new problems and we can do a couple of things about them. Might just ignore, might try to correct them, or you might try to set an example in your own life, which many times works out real well since often what happens we have a lot of do gooder's that decide to change things how they think is best without really know what they are doing, without really asking what is the problem and always thinking everyone else should pay for the changes they think should be made. God will help those who help themselves and there re many others who will join that effort but things seldom get better because someone sits back and identifies all of the problems some one else should fix.
You are Shouting.
Do you really believe all the people you made jokes about thought they were funny. I do not hear jokes like that on my radio or on my TV. Racism is not about how you feel. It is about how you make the people you are insulting feel....................Cj

GDF Junkie
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Re: explaination of Trump's appeal

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:57 pm

AAA Gundogs wrote:I'd stick to the personal attacks. If anything, it will make you feel better about yourself....
:D One could easily ascribe that result to yourself, laddybuck....unless, of course, "personal" is one-sided in your world so lending you free rein to say or imply whatever in not so subtle digs at the education of others.
You really should consider not rushing to cover up your mistatements...we all make them...most will accept rather than seek to justify.
Maybe you need to be right...too much, eh?

Your one-way road of political view and more gives rise to a form of Interent "tough guy" and that being rooted in your imagined superiority.
Shame those roots are so shallow.....no deeper than that which would cover up cherry-picked generalities and claims on a sheet of foolscap.
On that level, you and Mr. Trump and Mrs. Crooked Finger might well claim a common gene.

Not disputing...just noting that once again your roots betray you....with your weakness, apparent.
Some "truth"...just more humor which is not unexpected for someone happy with the lure and ease of generalities sans understanding.
And, the endless back and forth of Internet surfing results with posted "gotchas" is not for me....I'll stick on the outside of the zoo bars...looking in.
You are most welcome tho....for the degree in which I would play.
