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Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:59 am
by hpvizslas
Going to try and ride my first trial this Sunday. I have only ridden a horse a few times before and would appreciate any good advice from experienced riders. Just going to watch some shooting dog braces and have a guy that is bringing a horse for me to ride. Thanks in advance for the advice of what to do and not to do.

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:23 am
by BigShooter
I'm not certain what info you're looking for but I'll give it a shot.

Buddy up with someone that's willing to show you the ropes and perhaps ride along with you. Avoid riding the course solo. Get assurance you'll be riding a "kid safe, field trial veteran horse". Grab the horses mane and the rear of the saddle to mount. Make sure you know if the horse neck reigns or responds to knee pressure, in other words what it takes to turn the horse. Stay behind the judges & handlers and out of their line of sight. Avoid pulling up alongside another horse in their kicking zone, especially behind a mare. Sometimes the horse in front of you will try to kick your horse, miss & strike you in the leg or knee. Ask prior brace riders if there were any obstacles on course to avoid, like bee's nests. If the horse appears to be testing you is ... be confident and be the boss. Go easy pulling back on the bit. This isn't Hollywood and their mouths can get pretty sore over the course of a long day. If you pull hard at first you'll have to pull harder and harder as the day or the trial goes along. Ride with you upper body still and let your free arm hang straight down or rest it on your hip when walking.

Have fun!

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:57 pm
by TEX-X
don't get that's some good advice...keep your heels down and remember to look where you going before asking the horse to do it... and if you think you're in trouble suck her head into her chest...

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:48 pm
by hpvizslas
Thanks for the advice, some things I remember from when I was younger but a lot I don't.

Tex-what did you mean by sucking head into chest?

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:22 pm
by BigShooter
Watch for abrubt drops, especially the edges along gravel roads or ditches. If your horse won't stand still when the gallery stops to watch a point, keep your horse to the rear of the group and make it walk in a tight circle. If you don't have cowboy boots wear something with a more pointed toe and not too rough a bottom so you can slide your foot into the stirrups without too much of a problem. As was mentioned already, watch where you are going & don't just focus on the dogs. If you don't direct them away, some of the horses just love to brush you up against a tree, post, thorny bush or take you under low lying limbs. Bring drinking water for yourself in a jug you can tie to a saddle or in a bottle that'll fit in a pocket.

Have fun!

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:49 pm
by TEX-X
just pretty much saying if you think you are getting into trouble just remember your the boss and you can control anything that horse will try to do with those reins...if all else fails and trouble is going to happen crank down on those reins and hold on for dear life

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:58 am
by BigShooter
Hey Greenhorn,

How'd it go at the field trial on Sunday?

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:04 pm
by hpvizslas
The trial went well, had a great time, saw some good young dogs run and did not fall off of the horse, what more could you want. Didn't stay to see the end but would have liked to; however, not sure I would be able to walk or sit at all today if I did.

Thanks for the advice.

Re: Tips for a greenhorn

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:21 pm
by BigShooter
Happy to hear you had a good, injury free time. Now you can give advice to the next greenhorn. :wink: