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Hello from western Washington

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:49 am
by joe_dumy
Well its always awkward too I troduce yourself. It I will do my best. Ask tons of questions if you are curious.

I am 42 and finally broke down and I am getting a gundog. I hunted birds when I was 12 to 18 out of my back yard in Reno Nevada. A couple of years with a hand me down springer. I loved hunting with that dog and have been dogless ever since. I took a huntless 15 year diversion into steelhead and salmon fishing. But after the rivers got to crowded for my taste I left for the woods and found my new love hunting grouse and re kindled my love for chukar. And after 6 dogless years I have finally made enough time to bring a gundog into my life. I have been lurking for awhile and finally decided to join in.

A friend of mine has given me a lot of good advise for my first birddog. I am so glad i listened. Lots of weird things a new comer wouldn't think of. Like responding to emails for dog trainers some are all over it and some give a short gruff answer and those are the ones to busy training dogs and not to be discounted. Most of the breeders he steared me to could give a flying leap if they sold a dog or not. They only cared about putting them in a good hunting home and covering their cost. Well I found the best in all regards in purchasing a red setter from the Berg Bros. My son and I are making the 58 round trip drive to go get our dog. She is a close to finished dog that Ben is packing every little thing I asked for into until Monday when we pick her up.

My son and I are having a great time getting there. He caught a nice trout and today we are going to do some shooting in the badlands. Life is good. I will post pictures as we go. If I can figure it out.